Minmin 敏敏 's

Favorite Things

These are some of the things that I enjoy doing, I'd like to do them as often as possible. But golly, who's got the time? Do you like them as well? Why don't you let me know and we can share some stories :) 好好玩架呢D野. 如果日日都有得玩就好囉!

Sports 體育
Sports are really fun! It keeps you fit, makes you feel great.....and it allows you to wear all those colorful outfits!
  • Don't you love sweating like a pig in the gym pretending you are Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  • Don't you love imitating Monica Seles' grunt in a the tennis court?
  • Don't you love skiing down a 40 degree slope with the wind in your face and your ski poles 50 yards behind you after your wipe out?
  • Don't you love swimming with your food (let's hope YOU are not THEIR food) among the colorful corels?
  • Don't you love rising up in a thermal on a hang glider with nothing between you and a 3000 feet drop?
  • Have you ever seen a happy face on a jogger?
    I've really done and enjoyed doing all these things 唔係得把聲架咋 :D, honest! Why don't you come to my sports page and see for yourself?

    Recreation 得閒會去做既野
    This is the quieter side of me, 我都唔係成日要周身郁既. Yes, I sit still too, sometimes. I find it a nice departure from the hustle and bustle Hong Kong lifestyle to find time to do some of these things. As much as I enjoyed doing them, it is difficult sometimes because you will be competing with 6,500,000 other people for the same facilities. So what do I do for recreation? Surf on in and find out

    Computers and The Internet 電腦網絡迷情
    What can I say about my affair with the computer/internet? Well, since I discovered the joy of the net, I've neglected my father, my mother, my sister, my relatives, my friends, my bf, my dog and my goldfish (oh yes, and my creditors). I'm wearing thin my chair and am fast becoming a permanent fixture in front of the monitor. Just last month I found out I login for 200+ hours! My dad had a fit when he saw the bill (hehe 嘻嘻, 真係好笑) !

    If you cannot see the wallpaper, you have to use Internet Explorer 3.0. I don't know why that is, but that's how it goes (see, I know so little about this internet stuff).

    Click here to return to my homepage, thanks for visiting :)
    多謝貴客過訪 (唔係過房.....不過好似又係喎...唉, 我都搞唔清楚) ^O^