1997 KFL Rules and Regulations

1.  The KFL will be governed by two Commissioners.  One of the Commissioners must be a current or 
former KFL Champion.
2.  A Franchise Owner must reside within a 50 mile radius of the KCRG studios.
3.  First selection of available franchises will be given to KCRG Employees.
4.  Priority for available franchises within KCRG will be given on a seniority basis.
5.  A Franchise Owner, if not a KCRG employee, must have Internet and E-mail access.
6.  During the season the Owner is responsible for franchise transaction, if needed.
7.  Owners cannot sell their franchise during the off-season.
8.  Franchise fees of 50 must be paid prior to the start of the draft.  Failure to do so will result in the loss 
of the franchise. 
9.  Multiple Owners are allowed in the KFL, but only 1lineup may be turned in each week.
10.  No Owner can draft for another team.
11.  No Owner can own or have interest in more than one team.
12.  Each team can protect a maximum of 4 players for the previous year’s roster.
13.  Only 1 player per position may be protected.
14.  There are 6 position that can score in the KFL:

  Kicker - Touchdown (Passing/Running/Receiving): 6 points, Field Goal:   3 points, 2 Point 
Conversion (Passing/Running/Receiving):   2 points, Extra Point:  1 point.
  Quarterback - Touchdown (Passing/Running/Receiving):  6 points, 2 Point Conversion 
(Passing/Running/Receiving):  2 points, 300 yards total combined offense 
(Passing/Running/Receiving):  2 points.
  Running Back - Touchdown (Passing/Running/Receiving):  6 points, 2 Point Conversion 
(Passing/Running/Receiving):  2 points, 100 yards total combined offense (Running/Receiving): 
2 points.
  Wide Receiver - Touchdown (Passing/Running/Receiving):  6 points, 2 Point Conversion 
(Passing/Running/Receiving):  2 points, 100 yards total combined offense (Running/Receiving): 
2 points.
  Tight End - Touchdown (Passing/Running/Receiving):  6 points, 2 Point Conversion 
(Passing/Running/Receiving):  2 points, 100 yards total combined offense (Running/Receiving): 
2 points.
  Defensive/Special Teams - Touchdown:  6 points, Safety:   2 points, Fumble Recovery:   1 point, 
Interception:  1 point.

15.  The draft shall consist of offensive player rounds and defensive team rounds.
16.  Drafting order will be in the reverse order of finish from the previous season. 
17.  Rookie Franchise Owners will start drafting at the bottom of the draft order, behind the Veteran  
18.  At the beginning of the draft, Owners will be able to drop any protected players for any reason.
19.  Owners will have 2 minutes to make a selection.  Exceeding the limit will cause you to forfeit your   
       draft pick.  An alarm will sound at 2 minutes.  This sound constitutes the end of your selection time  
       and your draft pick must be announced immediately.
20.  The draft shall last until all rosters consist of a maximum 17 offensive players and minimum 2 
       defensive teams.
21.  A KFL team at the end of the draft must consist of a maximum 17 offensive players and minimum 2  
      defensive teams.  This shall constitute an Official KFL Franchise.
22.  The ability to acquire and trade players, following the submission of the official KFL Franchise 
      Rosters, are outlined in rules 23-27.
23.  Trading is permitted in the KFL with the following restrictions:
¨ 23a.  Owners trading players must contact both Commissioners and inform them of the 
¨ 23b.  Both Commissioners need to validate or veto the trade.
¨ 23c.  Owners trading players must then supply the League Statistician written confirmation 
of the trade within one week of the Commissioners approvals.  No player will be allowed to 
start on a new team if this written confirmation is not received. 
¨ 23d.  Any trade or consolidating of teams may be vetoed by the Commissioner or a simple 
majority vote of the owners.
¨ 23e.  The Commissioners veto may be overturned by a simple majority vote of the Owners.
¨ 23f.  No trade will be allowed after the kickoff of the first NFL Game of Week 11 of NFL 
Football.  During the 1997 KFL Season this trading deadline is:  Noon - November 9, 1997.
¨ 23g.  Failure to follow the above trading procedure will nullify the trade.  In this case points 
may have to be reversed. This could affect the outcome of league games and standings.
¨ 23h.  Once a team trades a player, the same team may not reacquire that player throughout 
the current KFL season.
24.  A franchise is allowed to make a maximum of 2 player transactions within the KFL Season through 
       the kickoff of the first NFL game of week 11 of NFL Football:  Noon - November 9, 1997.  The  
       following are Transaction restrictions:
¨ 24a.   A player can be acquired only when a player is dropped from the Official KFL Roster.
¨ 24b.  The player that is acquired must be from the same roster position of the player dropped 
from the  Official KFL Roster.  
¨ 24c.  This transaction may occur for any reason  (Injury, Plague, Famine, or simply to 
acquire a hot new prospect that is currently on, or a former member of, an NFL roster)
¨ 24d. Once a team makes a transaction with a player, the same team may not reacquire that 
player throughout the current KFL Season.
¨ 24e.  Transactions are made on a first come first serve basis.  If more than one Owner tries 
to acquire the same player on the same day, that player will go to the team with the worst 
record.  If identical records exist we will use tiebreak rule #41.
¨ 24f.  Owners acquiring players must contact both Commissioners and inform them of the 
¨ 24g.  Both Commissioners need to validate or veto  the transaction.
¨ 24h.  Owners making player transactions must then supply the League Statistician written 
confirmation of the transaction within one week of the Commissioners approvals.  No player 
will be allowed to start on a new team if this written confirmation is not received.
25.  A Supplemental Draft will be held between the 6th and 7th weeks of the NFL Season.  The 
       Supplemental Draft during the 1997 Season will be held in the KCRG Conference Room on October 
       9, 1997 at 6:30pm.
¨ 25a.  The Supplemental Draft will last three rounds.
¨ 25b.  The draft order will be determined by record.  Worst to Best then in Reverse.
¨ 25c.  Only teams that are present will draft.
¨ 25d.  Teams not at the Supplemental Draft will have two days following the Supplemental 
Draft to exercise their right of Post-Supplemental Acquisitions of a maximum of  3 players. 
Þ 25da. Post-Supplemental Acquisitions are made on a first come first serve basis.  If 
more than one Owner tries to acquire the same player on the same day, that player 
will go to the team with the worst record.  If identical records exist we will use 
tiebreak rule #41.
Þ 25db.  Owners exercising there right for Post-Supplemental Acquisitions of players 
must contact both Commissioners and inform them of the Post-Supplemental 
Þ 25dc.  Both Commissioners need to validate or veto the Post-Supplemental 
Þ 25dd.  Owners making Post-Supplemental Acquisitions must then supply the League 
Statistician written confirmation of the transaction within one week of the 
Commissioners approvals.  No player will be allowed to start on a new team if this 
written confirmation is not received.
26.  Only players drafted by an NFL team, or that have played on a NFL team in the past are eligible for  
       participation in the KFL.
27.  All players will be eligible to start only at the position listed on the Official KFL Roster.  The players 
       position must be announced and agreed upon on Draft Day.
28.  There will be three KFL Conferences, with four teams in each conference.  This makes 12 total teams 
       in the KFL.
29.  Each week, 2 copies of your lineup must be posted.   One of the lineups will be put in the League 
       Statistician’s folder and one must be put into the opposing coaches folder.  These folders will be 
       posted in the NewRadio 1600 Production Studio Bulletin Board.
30.  Lineups must be turned in by Noon on Friday for weeks the 1st game is on Sunday, or Noon on 
       Wednesday in the event Thursday is the 1st game of the NFL Week..
31.  Failure to turn in lineups by the deadline means you will play the previous week’s lineup.
32.  There are no changes allowed in lineups after the Noon deadline.
33.  Starting Lineups will consist of:  1 Kicker - 1 Quarterback - 2 Running Backs - 2 Wide Receivers - 1 
       Tight End -  1 Defensive Team.
34.  Weekly tiebreakers will be the total points scored by the players in the order listed in Rule #33.
35.  Any disputes must be brought to the attention of the Commissioners.  
36.  The Owner will present a ballot for the league to vote on, if desired, to overturn the Commissioner’s 
       ruling.  A simple majority will result in the overturning of the ruling.
37.  Any deliberate attempt to lose KFL games will result in the loss of the Franchise.  This could happen 
       at any point of the season.
  Any disputes must be brought to the attention of the Commissioners.  
  The Commissioners will make a ruling based on the dispute.
  The Owner will present a ballot for the league to vote on, if desired, to overturn the 
Commissioner’s dissolving of a franchise.  
  A simple majority vote of the owners will result  in the reversing the dissolution of a 
38.  Rule changes can only take place during the off season with a majority vote of the Owners.
39.  Rule changes can take place during the season with a unanimous vote of all Owners.
40.  A KFL Franchise will receive 1 Owner vote per Franchise for any voting that occurs at any point 
       during the KFL Season or off-season.  
41.  The following tie breaker will be used if two or more teams have identical records at the end of the 
Ties inside conferences will be broken first.
1 - Winning percentage against all other team in the tie.  Highest winning percentage advances.
2 - Total Team Points Scored.  High point total advances.
3 - Fewest point allowed.  Lowest total advances.
4 - Most points scored in divisional games.
5 - Most points scored in games against teams involved in the tie.
6 - Cut a Deck of Cards.  High Card Advances.  Ace is High.
42.  Payoffs are as follows: 
  12 per week
  KFL Champion 50% of remaining pot
  2nd Place 25% of remaining pot
  3rd Place 15% of remaining pot
  4th Place 10% of remaining pot

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