Opening Season Comments From the Commish
September 27, 1997
* A note from Commissioner Blaze!: I heard from a contingent of
two saying they represent the league with a couple of
complaints... Let me address them. I do apologize for not
having each week updated. It should happen. It will for the
rest of the season, prior to kickoff Sunday. There also has been
quick criticism from numerous sources, also from teams that
have not followed the rules that were printed, distributed,
posted on the web site, and offered to go over at the draft.
No one wanted anything to do with that. It seemed to waste
time. My comment then was check over the rules and know them.
Let me share with you that I spent over 4 hours with Joe
refining the rules to clarify a clean, solid season. I spent
unknown hours establishing the season. I spent countless hours
clarifying rules and clean play over the past 6 years. Please
do not question my dedication to this league. Joe has spent
countless hours setting up the software for the best and easiest
access to information of any league I know of. I have family
too. I respect your need to have fun and still maintain a great
league. I will promise to keep my end of the bargain. I feel
we have served the league well so far. This is just a reminder
to once again: read the rules... know the rules... and
understand that the commissioners are volunteers that want this
to be fun! We are doing our best. I love good humor and
ribbing as much as the next guy. I can take it and smile, as I
expect as I expect all of you to. I will continue do take it and
dish it out! I do take it as well as I can dish it out. This
is a very organized league. Keep in mind that there are many
responsibilities involved and we are trying. I appreciate all
the extra effort Mr. Winters has added to make this league
cyber-friendly and pin-point accurate. Relax and have fun. We
are in as much control as we have ever been. I will get the
predictions out. The most important thing is to get the win and
have the stats each week. Please check the web site each week.
We are not paid to hand feed every bit of information to every
owner. Take some responsibility, as I have continued my
commitment, do something more than turn in a line-up! Give Scott
something to write about! Have some fun! Don’t waste your
energy complaining about what’s wrong. Help make it right!
This is an editorial comment not to make anyone angry, but to
share responsibility and understanding.
August 19, 1997
Dear Owners:
The protection lists are in and are posted on the KFL Web Site. (Scott: Could you please make a copy
and post on the bulletin board and notify the non-cyber owners along with
this E-Mail) The draft order is as follows: 1.) Scrubbing Test Eagles 2.)
Phantom Knights 3.) Renegades 4.) Arctic Express 5.) Kickassers 6.)
Pasbrig Packers 7.) K.C. Wolfpack 8.) Drakemonsters 9.) Norse Force
10.) Mudskippers 11.) Lee's Lust Bunnies 12.) Turf Munchers. (Then
back in reverse order)
The draft commences at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, August 30 in the KCRG
Conference Room. The rules are posted on the Web Site as well. I will be
following up with a team profile sheet this week. This sheet must be
completed and returned at the KFL draft. $50.00 cash or check is due BEFORE
you draft! We will be sticking to the 2 minute rule for selections, so be
forewarned to come prepared!
Best of Luck! We'll talk soon!
Roger Blaze!
July 14, 1997
Hey Commish! Listed below are the E-mail addresses I have to date:
Roger Bouzek:
Scott Unash:
Joe Mlodzik:
Wally Pasbrig:
Chris Pasbrig:
Wayne Twombley:
Kurt Sempf:
Lee Ulrich:
Greg Ellis:
KCRG Newsroom:
I am copying this message to other owners. Joe: If you could update
this on the Web Site, that would be great!
The date of Saturday, August 9 will be fine for the New Owner Draft.
10:00 a.m. is the start time at KCRG. We'll let you know if this changes.
This means the protection lists from veteran owners MUST be in by 12:00 noon
on Sunday, August 10. Again, I must have those here, so E-mail by Saturday
Night, or call 365-8729 to give me the protection list of 4 players.
The list of available players for the New Owners Draft is being posted
on the KFL Website. That's
I will also try to fax out what Joe faxes me. You should know that this
pool is made up of the now defunct Black Flames, The Felons, Cyberphins, and
Zinger Flingers.
Any questions or comments are welcome! Have a Great July!
Co-Commissioner Roger Blaze Bouze
July 7, 1997
Honorable KFL Franchise Owners:
Welcome to what promises to be one of the most exciting years in the history of the
KFL! You are members of a very exclusive, and much sought after, fraternity of Owners
in the best damn Fantasy Football league anywhere! We have some major announcements
to make, some great updates to bring you, and yes, draft day information that many of you
have been chomping at the bit to sink your teeth into! There seems to be quite a bit of
adrenaline running out there already this pre-season. I know the Packers are certainly
anxious to mix it up after being manhandled by a steam rolling Drakemonster
Championship team, and the off-season turmoil in the front office. Keep in mind that we
are definitely on schedule (actually, ahead of schedule) in relation to where we have been
in past years, so we are okay. I know there have been inquiries about this information,
and I’m pleased we are all ready to RUMBLE... SO LET’S GET IT ON!!!
First order of business: A thank you to my first year Co-Commissioner, Ron Hansen.
Ron was a brilliant visionary that lead with strong silence...he will be remembered not by
words, but by his actions; with dignity and fair sportsmanship! His league membership,
and his money, will be sorely missed! Best of luck in Kansas City! (Ron will be keeping
up with the KFL through our on-line technology this season)
Second order of business: I am pleased to announce that veteran KFL owner Scott
Unash has accepted my invitation to join me as Co-Commissioner for the 1997 Season.
The Fantasy Football Gods shook the heavens and pointed their grass stained fingers
down to Scott’s beanie and stated, “You are the chosen one... You will be the next
Commissioner in the best damn Fantasy Football League in the country.” (It was
unbelievable) Scott is the owner/coach of the always pesky K.C. Wolfpack. It has been
rumored that Scott has offered to bring on Ron as a “Consultant” out of the Wolfpack
headquarters in Kansas City (a la George Seiffert/San Francisco) Time will tell if this
investment will be worth it. The appointment met with universal acceptance of past Co-
Commissioners. For new KFL owners, there is a KFL rule that states 1 of the Co-
Commissioners must be a past KFL SuperBowl Champion. Unfortunately, Scott has yet
to add this to his resume, but I’m sure he’ll be the first to say that this is HIS year!
Third order of business: The New Owner KFL Draft. I am tentatively setting the date
for the New Owner KFL Draft: Saturday, August 2, 1997, KCRG Conference Room,
10:00 a.m. There are 4 new owners this season. The team rosters from the now defunct
Black Flames, The Felons, The Cyberphins and Zinger Flingers will be thrown into a pool
of available players. The new owners will draw for their draft number. The draft will
consist of 4 rounds to be conducted in the same manner as the regular KFL Draft. The
picks will be as follows: 1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1. You will have 2 minutes per
pick to decide. Each team must have a team name chosen at the beginning of this draft.
No name, no players. Each team will be allowed to keep these four players as their
protected franchise players. ONLY 1 PLAYER PER POSITION MAY BE
PROTECTED, SO DRAFT ACCORDINGLY! More information on the pool of players
will follow.
Fourth order of business: The current owners need to submit their protected franchise
player listing to me by 12:00 NOON on Sunday, August 3, 1997. Remember: A total of
4 players, only 1 player per position. You can call me at 365-8729, or E-Mail at I will send back a confirming E-mail to let you know I received it. If
you don’t get a confirming E-Mail, try again or call. I will turn these around ASAP with
the new owner protection listings. This will allow 4 weeks to prepare for the draft!
Fifth order of business: The 1997 KFL Draft is scheduled for Saturday, August 30,
1997 starting at 10:00 a.m. sharp! This is the day before the first NFL game of the
season. It will be held in the beautiful KCRG Conference Room. We will be drafting on-
line this year for maximum efficiency. We will begin Draft Day ‘97 with introductions of
teams, discussion of issues, rules and hot topics, then proceed with the draft. What you
need to know:
The league entry fee this year is $50.00. (as voted on at the KFL Awards Breakfast
1996) $5.00 of this will go to the statistics software and other possible expenses.
exceptions. No cash/check, no franchise. I will collect the fees at the start of the
Draft Day activities. Make checks payable to: Roger Bouzek.
We will need a starting lineup BEFORE YOU LEAVE the Draft Day activities. There
will be much to do on Saturday. You will know your divisions, as well as the team
you face the next day. We must have line-ups before you leave! (this is very
We will be sending and posting rules with the protection lists. Trades are allowed
right up to draft time, but you still must have only 4 players, 1 player per position
upon the start of the Draft.
As with past new franchise members, the new franchise owners will move to the end
of the draft order and occupy the last 4 spots (9, 10, 11, 12 respectively)
The Draft Order is as follows: 1.) Scrubbing Test Eagles 2.) Phantom Knights 3.)
R.K. Renegades 4.) Arctic Express 5.) Kickassers 6.) Pasbrig Packers 7.) K.C.
Wolfpack 8.) Drakemonsters 9.) New Franchise 10.) New Franchise 11.) New
Franchise 12.) New Franchise
Sixth order of business: The KFL Champions Breakfast! I would like to suggest that
the KFL Champions Breakfast be at Tommy’s West (Edgewood Plaza) starting at 8:00
a.m. on Saturday, August 30, 1997. For you rookies... This is the elite of the elite... the
best of the best... Only current or former KFL SuperBowl Champions are allowed to sit
at the Champions Roundtable to share the wit and wisdom of past Warrior Champions.
This is the highest honor one can bestow upon a KFL owner. Currently, there are 3
Franchises that are not only 1 time Champions, but, 2 time Champions! The current
reigning KFL Champion Drakemonsters, The Arctic Express and The Pasbrig Packers.
There has been some question as to whether Chris Pasbrig will be allowed to participate in
the KFL Champions Breakfast after breaking from the Pasbrig Camp, and father Wally. I
have discussed this with the other 2-time KFL Champion, and it was unanimously decided
that Chris was an owner at the time of the franchise Championship, and therefore retains
all the rights of a KFL Champion. He is welcome to the Champions Table! (He may have
to pay for his own breakfast after the bitter break up, but he’s welcome nonetheless)
Seventh order of business: KFL is now CYBER-KFL! Thanks to our KFL MIS/stats
man, Joe Mlodzik of The Arctic Express, we now have our own web site! We will use
this site, and other links, to bring you up-to-the-minute statistics, standings, hot topics,
rosters, owner & team information, and of course, Blaze! Hotline Prognostications (with
our new corporate sponsor, Blaze! Advertising) Check out the start of something bigger
than... well... big.... in the making!
Eighth order of business: 1997 KFL Rules. The 1997 Rules will be distributed and
posted with the protection lists the first week in August.
This about covers the initial information. There’s a lot to digest! I am excited about
this year’s league. We had a very good season last year for the most part. We have made
the appropriate changes to make this the best year in KFL history. We have great,
responsible owners that are in it for the love of the game. (and to win a little cash!)
Remember, the KFL is important, but it is not a replacement for family or the finer things
in life! Feel free to call or E-mail with suggestions or comments as the season moves
along. Scott is there at KCRG, and I am well attuned to all the rules and regulations (as I
house the KFL Legal Library in my basement). We all are in this to kill each other in a
very sportsmanlike way! Best of luck this season and may the best team win!
Best Regards!
Roger Blaze Bouzek
KFL Co-Commissioner
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