
or Hate Mail

Although we did see a soccer game in Brisbane while we were in Queensland, our trip down to Sydney started with events the first day we were there. After that, it was an endless parade of people and athletes from all over the world, VB beer, meat pies and "Oi, Oi, Oi!" chants. There was more soccer, indoor volleyball, beach volleyball and water polo - none of that sissy gymnastics stuff for us. Plus we got all the gymnastics we needed from Roy and H.G.

The highlight would have to be a tossup between the beach volleyball and the women's soccer gold medal game. The beach volleyball was like one huge beach party and the soccer rocked since it was the only event that we saw the U.S. compete in. Plus it was the most exciting single event that we saw. There were also two very emotional moments - even though most of you in the U.S. didn't hear too much about either one since they focused on two Aussies.

One was Cathy Freeman winning the women's 400 metres. She had the weight of athletic expectations, the Aborignal dispute and being the lighter of the flame on her shoulders. If you had been there, it's likely you'd have been caught up in the excitement when the race was finally run and she got the gold. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see it live either because we were pounding VB's and meat pies at a water polo match. Rob and I were in line at the toilet (that's how they refer to it) when a woman on her cell phone (EVERYBODY in Sydney has a cell phone) got word that Cathy had won and yelled it out for everyone to hear.

We saw the other one live at the Olympic Stadium. It was in the women's 20K walk, certainly not the most exciting event but the place was going crazy because an Aussie, Jane Saville , was leading with only about 200 metres to go. Then, as she was about to enter the tunnel to the stadium and with the crowd was going nuts, an official jumped into her path held up a red card disqualifying her for using an illegal technique. It was like the air being let out of a balloon. To make it easier for you Yanks in the crowd to understand, think about how Bill Buckner felt when that ball rolled between his legs in the '86 World Series and the Red Sox lost. Or maybe how the Buffalo Bills kicker felt when he missed that field goal in the Super Bowl in 1990. Now multiply that by 10.

If the opportunity to attend an Olympics ever presents itself, GO GO GO! Even if you've never heard of most of the athletes, it's doubtful any experience could ever compare. The Super Bowl? Not even.

Ugly American hooliganism in the stands at
SFS - Sydney Football Stadium.
- Disassociated Press, 2000

Robert and Robert - bound for the water polo, boxing kangaroo flags in tow sucking down a couple of VB's
- Disassociated Press, 2000

Sherry looking spiffy in her $3.50 rain poncho outside Olympic Stadium
- Disassociated Press, 2000

The scene on the main footpath at Olympic Park
- Disassociated Press, 2000