Surfer Girl's Beach

My Taekwondo page

My name is Geneva AKA Surfrbelle. I live in the Sanford/Springvale area in Maine. I share the same birthday with General Choi(Taekwondo's founder) as well as Steven Lopez, Olympic Taekwondo Gold-medalist: November 9th. I guess you can say I was destined to do Taekwondo!

I'm a Black Belt in Taekwondo ITF (International Taekwondo Federation) Style. I enjoy tournaments, I love the whole environment, the's a big martial arts family!I'm very competitive but I do it also for the fun and excitement and I love to see other martial artists as well! BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS=BLACK BELT. I'm known as a Sho-Dan at the moment. The rank system in my school is white belt, orange, advanced orange, yellow, adv. yellow, green, adv green, blue, adv. blue, brown, red and black belt and then it goes onto degrees of Black Belt all the way to 9th degree.

The Taekwondo Tenets Are: 1.Courtesy 2.Integrity 3.Perseverance 4.Self-Control 5.Indomitable Spirit.***UPDATE**I have won the Triple Crown Award (1st place in Weapons, Forms and Sparring) for the 3rd year in a row in my division in the IPPONE ratings system. I didn't get to compete in any KRANE tournaments this year but I finished as a State Champion and National Champion last year. I'm not bragging, just really proud of my hard work and dedication to martial arts and my Sabunim (master)agrees. Please remember to visit my other pages about surfing, my modeling photo shoots and my page ABOUT ME; the links are at the bottom of this page. To understand me better and who I am, what I've gone through, read my pages linked at the end of this page.

For more about me and who I am, follow the links below to learn about me. Taekwondo is what I turn to for some comfort during tough times too.

The following photos are Copyright of the Photographers that took them. You may NOT Copy them without their or my permission. Violation of these rights will be reported and the proper actions will be taken against those who copy or post them without permission!

Geneva Sparring at Ocean State Grand Nationals

Sparring at Ocean State Grand Nationals in Warwick, RI. Photo by EJ. All Rights Reserved.

Bo Portrait

My portrait with my Bo. Photo by EJ. All Rights Reserved.

Geneva's Bo Portrait

Portrait with my Bo by the river. Photo by EJ. All Rights Reserved.

Street Samurai.

Street Samurai. Photoshoot with Mike Jones.

Street Samurai.

Street Samurai. Photoshoot with Mike Jones.

Street Samurai.

Street Samurai II. Photoshoot with Mike Jones.

Kids BB Testing

At a recent kids' testing where I judged. I'm in the front row, long black hair.

Side Thrust Kick

Me doing a side thrust kick. Photo by Tom Couture. All Rights reserved.

Cat Stance

Me doing a Cat Stance. Photo by Tom Couture. All Rights reserved.

Cobra Sword

With my Cobra Katana. Photo by EJ. All Rights reserved.

High Roundhouse

Doing my Kata(Form) at Ocean State Grand Nationals. Photo by EJ. All Rights reserved.

Geneva Hersom Martial Artist's Profile

Born in the Province of Chiriqui, Republic of Panama on November 9, 1971.

Tournament Circuits she participates in: IPPONE, SMART, KRANE and NASKA.

Geneva Hersom began her Taekwondo training in 2002 at the Sanford-Springvale YMCA under Kwangjangnim Richard Smith Jr who has assisted to many seminars offered by Sifu Guru Dan Inosanto, former student of Bruce Lee. Her hard work and dedication often paid off skipping ranks at testings on 3 occasions during the course of her training with Master Smith.

She began competing in 2002 but had not become a member of any tournament circuit at that point given that she was only doing a couple of events in the IPPONE and SMART circuits.

She joined such circuits in 2003 and began competing more frequently and always did very well.

In 2004 she became more active in the tournament circuits and continued to achieve more triumphs and her training continued to improve. She won her first Underbelt Grand Championship at the Elm City Karate Challenge in Waterville, ME. She was featured in the Sanford News front page shortly after that event.

In September of 2004 she began training with Sabunim Moe Simard at Moe's Taekwondo. At the time she was a Blue Belt. She finished in 3rd place in Weapons, 1st in forms and 2nd in sparring at the end of the year in the IPPONE circuit (New England) and as the SMART Divisional Champion in Weapons, Forms and Sparring. She won the SMART State Championships in Weapons, Forms and finished 2nd in sparring.

In 2005 she continued to travel around New England and competed frequently. She started competing in the KRANE(National) circuit doing really well. She acquired her Brown Belt on September 7th, 2005, she had skipped the Advanced Blue Belt rank at such testing. She won many tournaments as well as some Underbelt Grand Championships. At the end of the year, she finished as the Triple Crown Winner in the IPPONE Circuit, the Divisional Champion in Weapons and Forms, 2nd in sparring in the SMART circuit and the State Champion in Weapons, Forms and finished 2nd in sparring.

In 2006 continued to excel in competitions in the IPPONE, SMART, KRANE and NASKA circuits and competed in prestigious events like the Ocean State Grand National Championship in Warwick, RI where she took 2nd place in Weapons, 2nd in Forms and 3rd in Sparring; The New England Open where she took 1st in Weapons, 1st in Forms and 3rd in Sparring; in New York City at the Twin Towers Classic at the Jacob Javits Convention Center where she won 1st place in Weapons, 2nd in Forms and 2nd in sparring. She was featured in an article at the Journal Tribune of Biddeford, ME. She finished as the Triple Crown winner for the second year in a row in the IPPONE circuit, Divisional champion in Weapons and Forms in the SMART circuit; 1st place in Weapons and Forms at the National level in the KRANE circuit as well as the State Champion in Weapons, Forms and Sparring.

She participated at a Demonstration at the Noble Middle School in North Berwick, ME along with her instructor Moe Simard, her son and other students.

In the spring on 2006 she began working on the production of Bullet 17, an independent psychological/martial arts thriller directed by Farruh Nunozov of Dungan Productions where she acted as a KGB agent and used martial arts in the film. The film's trailer can be seen at and the movie will be released soon.

A portrait of her with her Bo staff is displayed at the Sanford Applebee's restaurant.

After a 5-hour long intense testing in front of a Black Belt Panel of 30 plus judges, Geneva earned her Black Belt in June of 2007 and continues to train with Sabunim Moe Simard.

Love Should Not Hurt

A couple of pics of me Sparring; and another; and this one was taken by my son at my yard doing a roundhouse kick

My favorite martial artists, famous and not so famous are: Bruce Lee of course, Donnie Yen, Jet Li, Stephen Lopez and my instructor Sabunim Moe Simard.

Shot of me sitting with some of my trophies, not all could be shown in the picture. I have alot more trophies by now though See it here.

Go to ALL ABOUT ME AND WHO I AM as well as what I'm going through; to My music page Go there to see what I listen to these days!, My Surfing page, My My Health and Beauty Page ***NEW!!! My MODELING PAGE, My Online Portfolio(modeling), by Les Walker. Or go back to Main page.

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My movie trailer is finally here!Bullet 17 where I played a KGB agent. It's an independent film set to be released soon hopefully!It's all finished as far as the editing part and all they need to do is add the background music and it will be done!I'm the one in the black hummer with the black glasses and the gun. You can also hear my voiceover in the trailer saying "It's ok Alex, we are friends" in russian accent hah hah!

BULLET 17 trailer

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