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Welcome to my Guestbook!Please come back soon. I'm always redecorating my page and adding pictures. Thanks!

04/15/00 09:17:13
Name: Gary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: nearest... Hobbies: surf Surfboard?: yes...8
Music: please... Where are you from?: Hawaii

Long time...hope you are hanging in there...listened to your Sinead O'Connor link.

04/12/00 19:56:21
Name: Arnulfo J. De Icaza M. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Vena'o en Panamá Hobbies: Computers, Internet, & Bodyboarding 8>) Surfboard?: Morey Boogie Mach 7-7
Music: Rave, ska, techno Where are you from?: La Chorrera, Panamá

Te felicito por tu sitio, está pifioso, bien surfer y con mucho amor por la naturaleza. Me siento orgulloso que una panameña surfer tenga una página tan popular y haya recibido el premio "web diva" ! Un beso desde Panamá para tí y tu lindo hijo =) Un saludo a todos los hermanos surfers del mundo. Fufo ICQ 21419654

04/12/00 04:19:35
Name: Larry Newman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Hobbies: sailing; reading; computers Surfboard?: no Music: Beatles;
Where are you from?: Wisconsin (the MidWest)

I came across your site by accident. It was very tastefully done. I thank you for sharing it with me.

04/04/00 19:51:00
Name: Paul Lee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Ocean Beach (San Diego) Hobbies: Basketball, volleyball, hip hop culture, chillin... Surfboard?: Nope, would like to learn someday tho
Music: Hip Hop! Where are you from?: Originally from L.A., but been in San Diego for the last 5 years.

Just stopped by to say you have a nice page and you seem like a very nice person. Keep the smiles and positive vibes flowin!

03/30/00 22:56:49
Name: Stephen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: South San Onofre Calif Hobbies: poetry biking jogging Surfboard?: bodysurf, Churchill fins
Music: Mozart and stuff Where are you from?: Huntington Beach

It's always refreshing to find a pleasant gal on the web. Visually stunning; well-organized. My favorite photo is of you at Balboa. You are very nice!

03/29/00 17:09:46
Name: Patricia Esquivel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobbies: Bailar y leer
Where are you from?: Panama

Se que tu me conoces, he descubierto tu pagina web por un compañero de trabajo que conoce a Ana Evelyn y me comento que a lo mejor yo sabia quien tu eras... Al igual que tu me case, tuve una niña que ahora tiene 3 años y me divorcie cuando mi bebe solo tenia 6 meses de nacida...sufri mucho pero ahora me estoy recuperando gracias a Dios, por favor escribeme para saber como estas si?

03/28/00 05:54:58
Name: Big J Sebago My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Fave Beach: Orient Bay
Music: Tori & similar divas Where are you from?: Seattle

My only surfing was at Acadia long ago -- body surfing in 55 degrees cold water. We turned blue. They didn't have thongs at the beach then fortunately, or we might have stayed in even longer and gotten hypothermia. I hope Maine is treating you better than Boston did (the accident was on Storrow Drive, right?). Once you are a Mainiac you nevah lose it (even after 20 years on West Coast). You have the added benefit of becoming a Panamaniac. Great site! Good luck s epping out on your own, you dynamic woman!

03/23/00 16:23:25
Name: stephan st louis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: fortunes Hobbies: vw bus snowboard surfing Surfboard?: lost frenchy wrv
Music: sublime Where are you from?: quebec

Ill see you this summer

03/22/00 15:43:59
Name: Da Big Baboona My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Paikos, Hawaii Kai Hobbies: Surf, Rugby Surfboard?: 9'6" Powertools
Music: Reggae Where are you from?: Hawaii , but in NYC now

Hey Geneva, long time. Remember the long lost soldier in Bosnia from last year who was getting ready to move to NYC? I am here now and still have not surfed yet. How is the flight attendant business going? Eddy Jr.? Senior? Hope all is well! Take care. Mike

03/21/00 21:48:44
Name: Lauren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: La Jolla Shores Hobbies: Surfing, Sports, Music, Art, Swords.... Surfboard?: Getting a brand new one in two months!!!
Music: All types!! Dream Theater & MXPX are my faves.. Where are you from?: So. California!

Great page! You sound like you have an interesting life, and your son is very cute! Hope everything goes well with your accident and all. Bai! :)

03/19/00 19:35:12
Name: Mike Stevens My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Left Lefts on Kaua'i Hobbies: Surfing Videos Surfboard?: I now ride for Morey
Music: All Kines Where are you from?: Hawai'i on the Island of Kaua'i

Wow, Nice page am Stoke! Can you sent a or some pictures to me and I will place your address to my page. Mahalo and Aloha

03/15/00 23:47:03
Name: LittleDarlin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: all!!!!! Hobbies: chatting, shopping, spending time with my family Surfboard?: you know I can't surf...LOL
Music: Bob Marley, All Dance Music Where are you from?: Kentucky

Hey girl! How the heck have you been? I'm back on the net and looking for you. LOL It's been almost 2 years since we last spoke! Drop me an Email so that we can get back in touch. Love Ya! Your Cyber Sister Shawna aka "LittleDarlin"

03/07/00 04:33:27
Name: SERVIERES Julien My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Fave Beach: Smiths Beach
Hobbies: Surf and Windsurf Where are you from?: FRANCE

Hi ! I love your pictures and I find you very beautiful. I'm a french student and I'm staying in Melbourne for 1 year until February 2001. I'd be pleased to meet you when you want or receive some news by e-mail. Now : some french word to improve your French Language Je te trouve superbe et j'attends de tes nouvelles avec impatience. A tres bientot j'espere. Grosses bises. See you soon (hopefully). Julien.

03/02/00 22:55:23
Name: J.D. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Cape Hatteras Hobbies: Surfing, Playing Guitar, Playing Basketball Surfboard?: one 6,9 one 6,3
Music: Creed, RHCP, Less Than Jake Where are you from?: Emerald Isle, NC

I can see lots of people visit here, lol. Later!

03/01/00 01:58:56
Name: Jake Da' Snake My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: believe it or not, a quiet one! Hobbies: photography Surfboard?: LONGBOARD
Music: Classic Rock Where are you from?: Right now... Massachusetts

Geneva, I'm real sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are doing better and aren't hurting too much. I know how you must feel. I fell this winter taking pictures and pinched a nerve in my neck! I'm still going through physical therapy too. I've be n out of touch with you and the folks at the BB at Surfer! I don't miss it, (the BB). Just some of the good people, and you're right on top of the list! I just found your web page tonight! I REALLY hope that you are feeling better. Do what the doctors tel you and hang in there. You're "tuff" and you'll make it! By the way... My real name is Mike! I got the nick name, Jake Da' Snake, from some friends of mine. I'll have to tell you about it some day!(LOL) Feel better Geneva. Mike (aka Jake Da'Snake)

02/28/00 02:53:53
Name: sexual chocolate My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: friendly Hobbies: surfing skating Surfboard?: rusty
Music: blink 182 Where are you from?: Tassie

i love your site it rocks

02/26/00 21:01:55
Name: steve small My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Playa Tetas Hobbies: native american artifacts Surfboard?: not in Iowa
Where are you from?: La Zona del Canal

Oye, Chiricana: Que hay de nuevo en Panama? Tengo ganas de volver y quedarme alla para siempre. Parece que la capital esta creciendo mas y mas. He visto fotos y no reconozco absolutamente nada. Paitilla se ve como Nueva York. Mis amigos todos me dicen que el Interior se queda como siempre, tranquilo y bello. Y que hay autopista desde Panama hasta Santa Clara! Imaginate - una pequena corrida para conseguir las olas. En mi tiempo, nos levantamos a las cuatro de la manana y salimos para la playa, parando en Quesos Chela para un monton de mozzarela y chicha de guanabana. Y pan dulce. Pasamos todo el dia quemando en el sol en Tetas y Rio Mar y terminamos el dia con una buena corbina y Cerveza Atlas en Rio Mar. Que dias! Luego. Steve

02/25/00 18:46:14
Name: Luis Alberto Lacayo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Santa Clara Hobbies: Tennis and swimming Surfboard?: No
Music: All Where are you from?: Panama City

Soy panameño y con cierta frecuencia por motivos de trabajo viajo hacia David, Chiriqui. Y cada vez que tengo oportunidad visito las tierras altas, para mi si no hago esto no siento he visitado Chiriqui. Por lo que senti al leer tu pagina eres una muchacha muy agradable. No soy tan joven como tu, tengo 47 años y me gustaria tener una ciberamistad contigo. Chao.

02/23/00 22:41:54
Name: Mark Hoffman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Hermosa Hobbies: Surf, Ski, Poetry, Olympic Lifting Surfboard?: Becker LC3
Music: Too many to list, Nine Inch Nails are cool Where are you from?: SoCal

I tried to write to you some time ago but your site would not accept. I was just editing out dead websites today when I decided to give it another shot. You and your son are a very handsome couple. Hope this note gets through. Would very much like to start a friendship. Mark

02/22/00 03:30:10
Name: alberto My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: coronado, las lajas Hobbies: deportes, carros, motos, bailar, pasear Surfboard?: no
Music: casi toda clase Where are you from?: panama

yo soy de david y no me acuerdo de ti, gustaria conocerte un poco mas y saber donde te encuentras viviendo en estos momentos, me gusto mucho tu pagina la verdad estas bien buena

02/10/00 14:31:29
Name: gifford My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: wildos Hobbies: working & parenting (two young daughters) take most of my time. surfing whenever possible and I play guitar. Surfboard?: 7'4" and 8' thrusters
Music: you name it Where are you from?: Northern Cal / Puerto Rico

I'm planning a surf trip to Panama in last week of September 2000. Would love to meet you, do you make regular trips home? Where is your hometown located?

02/10/00 02:42:25
Name: Liquid Dreams My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: all Hobbies: surfing Surfboard?: I have alot
Music: rock Where are you from?: M.E

Nice site. check out your old friend at the shop Mark

02/09/00 03:29:42
Name: Ana Joly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: new symerna, florida Hobbies: surf, shopping and more shopping Surfboard?: 2 boards, ( long and short)
Music: contemporary christian, gospel, Where are you from?: panama, ( but i live in Florida)

Salut!! Nice web page, I had seen you page a while back, maybe about a year ago, I believe. I was glad to find another "Panagirl" like me on the internet that surfs. I dont know any girl from Panama that surfs around here, I go out there and rip it wi h my friend Isis, shes from Brasil. I just wanted to say Hi and tell you that Im sorry about your divorce, I guess it saddens me because the last time I read your page you had a pic of yourself your son and husband, :( Just remember that God is your strength!! take care surfs up, reefgirl

02/04/00 00:47:48
Name: Frank My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Beach: Black's in San Diego,Ca Hobbies: Fishing & photography Surfboard?: use to
Music: Kenny G & country Where are you from?: Calif but Panama now

Greetings from beautiful downtown Santiago de Veraguas.

02/02/00 19:11:20
Name: Scott Bass My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Music: Stones
Where are you from?: San Diego

You go girl!!

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