David's Fantasy Ballpark
My Fantasy Teams

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Stormtrooper Coruscant Stormtroopers

American Pastime League @ Sandbox.net

Dayton Ballplayers @ Sandbox.net

The Stormtroopers have seen a couple incarnations including my current fantasy baseball team and new football team at Sandbox. They have also been a fantasy football teams at Sandbox and Exit42. Kinda average perfomance so far this year.

Glacier City Neanderthals

Flying Elbow League @ Exit 42 Fantasy Sports / Fanball.com

My favorite team name for a fantasy football team. The Neanderthals are my keeper team and did fairly well last season and will be returning for another season this fall. Along with my other team the Mistmarsh Trolls who played to the league championship last year in my Exit 42 league they both were great fun and free.

Rice Krispies Belmont Krispie Treets

Dayton Ballplayers League @ Sandbox.net

Named after my neighborhood and total failure to think of anything better as a nickname, but it surely was original. So far it has only represented my successful baseball team at Sandbox in the Dayton Ballplayers league.

