Other Football Links
Here are a few more WLAF links:
Official site. Now called NFL Europe
A fan's site
Another very good fan site
NFL Europe Fans
The National Football League.
Moving north, we find the Canadian Football League. It is a little different, but still fun to watch.
A Fan's Site
For something really exciting, try the Arena Football League, the 50 Yard Indoor War.
The Professional Indoor Football League, AFL's new rival.
Scott Glendenning has put together a site on the Mad Dogs of the PIFL.
Minor League Football Links
Leagues In The Making
There is not much out there yet, but six new leagues plan on starting in 1999. Here is what I have come across so far. For more information on these leagues, see the article I wrote called Are You Ready For Some Football?.
The Regional Football League. This league is a spring league that is slated to start in the spring of 1999.
The FanOwnership Football League
Not much out on this yet, and most of the information is dated. This league is run by the Dixon family in New Orleans and was scheduled to start this June but has been pushed back to 1999. Here are some articles on this league.
From San Jose
From San Antonio
From Tampa
From Houston
From Dallas
From Orlando
The All American Football League
A spring league slated to start in the spring of 1999. Here are some articles on the league:
From Miami
From Detriot
From Tampa
From Washington, DC
The National Women's Football League
Defunct Leagues
I am amazed the United States Football League did not survive. It had so many big stars. This is probably the best USFL page I have found.
This is another very good one.
Remember the Professional Spring Football League? Probably not since it folded during the first training camp. Here is a page devoted to the PSFL.
If we jump in the wayback machine, we will find the World Football League. It folded after the second season. Here's a good WFL site.
Technically not a defunct league, the American Football League merged with the NFL.
The International Football League This league really never got out of the planning phase.
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