Well this is going to be my attempt at putting something worth while on the WWW. However I'm sure I'll just end up talking about nothing at all... kind of like "Seinfeld"!! (That's a wonderful show). Too bad this will be the final season, did everyone tape all the episodes to keep forever? Maybe I am the onely one who does that kind of thing.
I'm going to start with one of my favorite shows of all time - GARGOYLES
Perhaps my opinion will change over the coming months, I can't be sure, but I am sure that I will continue watching this series even if my family and friends laugh at my fanatic interest in the show.
I guess one way for me to introduce myself is to discuss my interests.
I scratched the surface on my first page... now it's time for details.
I enjoy most sports, however my favorite are Soccer, X-Country Running, Skiing, swimming and volleyball. I will watch any soccer game no matter who's playing or where they're playing. I love soccer, as the T-shirt says "Soccer is life, the rest are just DETAILS!!" Another sport I love to watch but can't really play (other than shooting) is basketball. I LOVE
THIS GAME (official trademark of the NBA).
I discuss my interests furter on my Athletics Page.
I'm an avid movie watcher (not goer because the theatre cost too much and
I am a student with no money of course). Go to my film
page for more details. My favorites of all time would have to be :
Speaking of books. There are some masterpieces which haven't been made
into movies but I still enjoyed them (if not more). Presently I am
reading a Trilogy called "Hook, Line, Sinker" by author
Deighton. Read more about him on my unofficial page!
My Personal Records