The Donnie Yen Homepage
Donnie Yen

A few years ago, when I was searching the web for information on Donnie Yen, there was hardly anything out there for me to discover. I was very surprised to find almost NOTHING about Donnie Yen. Therefore, I took the initiative to create one of the first ever Donnie Yen sites on the net. One time I even received an e-mail supposedly from Donnie himself, thanking me for creating this site! But I merely dismissed it as some prank, disbelieving that Donnie would actually see my site! Haha... I still don't know to this day if it was really him who e-mailed me.

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Last updated: October 9, 2002.

Since October 17, 1999

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Please also visit my websites for Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and The Shaolin Temple.