Bruce Lee - The Master
Welcome to my tribute to the man who revolutionized martial arts today.
Bruce Lee, in my eyes, is a leader you can look up to. He practically
changed the martial arts world. He's a leader because he did what he thought
was the right thing to do. He broke tradition. Many martial arts masters
in his time were very strict and taught by tradition.
One thing they were very reluctant to do was to teach non-Chinese. Chinese martial arts teachers were very strict on tradition. They sometimes would not admit you into there class unless you were something special. It would have been even more difficult for non-Chinese. Because of this, Kungfu was shrouded in mystery to Westeners.
Bruce Lee totally broke with tradition. He'd teach to anyone that showed keen interest in learning martial arts whether he/she be Chinese or non-Chinese. Also, one thing many martial artists would not do is learn more than one style. Bruce Lee, on the other hand, learned much more than one style. Besides Wing Chun, he'd learn Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and others. An example is when he met with Jhoon Rhee, a master of TKD. Rhee showed Lee the sidekick in TKD and Lee, in fact, mastered it. When Lee created Jeet Kune Do, he combined all the strong points of each style and took out the weak points. Bruce didn't include high kicking in his fighting stlye before, only low kicks to the legs. Wing Chun doesn't kick high. But Chuck Norris, who met Bruce at the Long Beach Internationals, convinced Bruce to include High Kicks. Bruce Lee said, "Absorb what is useful, reject was is not." I might have not got the quote right but the point is, Bruce knew what he was doing, showing to the world he was a real martial artist devoted to what he was doing. He considered himself a martial artist first, then an actor.
BRUCE LEE DVDs and Videos
Fist to Fist Bruce Lee the Lost Interview (VHS)
Below is a selection of posters, giant posters, photos and art prints. Click to see more details.
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Please also visit my websites for Donnie Yen, Jet Li, and The Shaolin Temple.
© 2002 Kenneth Leung