Buster's Sports Pages
Hello. My name is Buster Hunter. I am a student enrolled in the University of Calgary located
in Alberta, Canada. I am in the Faculty of Management. My concentration is in Management Information Systems.
I am especially interested in the Internet as it applies to business, but it has become a hobby as
well. I have put this site together as a first step into the world of web page design. It is built to cater to sports
enthusiasts of all types.
Some of the links may not be active yet, but I'm working on it!
This site will change on a regular basis, with new links being added/modified regularly.
Course Work
MGIS 461 (Applied Data Telecommunications)
Coin Collecting
The Sports Pages

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: All graphics, images, links etc. contained within these web pages are the sole
property of their respective owners and are copyrighted as such. If any errors or omissions have been made in this
respect please let me know as soon as possible and an effort will be made to correct such a flaw.
Questions? Comments? E_Mail me at B_R_Hunter@msn.com
Last modified: Thursday, September 26, 1997 - 2:20 PM
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