i oNLY dO wAHT tHE vOICES iN mY hEAD tELL mE tO dO

Hi, my name is Rob.

Breif Description:

I'm not much for writing so this will be short. I like horses and doing outside things. Some people think I'm psycho, but I'm not. Or am I?....

This is how I try to Make money:

I'm a farrier, thats one who removes excess hoof from a horses foot, makes a shoe for it, and nails it onto the hoof. All the while trying not get kicked, bitten, knocked down, stepped on, or physically dissassembled in any way. Then when that part is done you have to do the hard part. Try to collect payment for your services.

This is what I do for Fun:

Horseback riding, well if you can call it that. More like Extreme riding, as fast as the horse can go without harming it's self. Up mountains, along cliffs, through rivers, and even heavy surf. Sometimes as far as 100 miles in a single day. Why?, you ask, I still don't know. Because it's fun? Snow and water skiing, Yup, Extreme too! Scuba Diving, Fishing, Dirt Bike Riding, Shooting, from the ground and horseback, Reloading, Flying airplanes, and High Powered Rocketry.

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