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  I would encourage you to visit the Pictures to SEE what the sport is all about. Much of the following info was taken from the USOC site at http://www.olympic-usa.org


Pistol shooters compete without the benefit of special clothing, gloves or boots. Most athletes wear flat-soled shoes for increased stability, but footwear must not extend above the shooter's ankle. Competitors frequently wear blinders over their "non-shooting" eye to prevent squinting. Spotting scopes allow athletes to view their targets in 25- and 50-meter competition. In all events, special caps designed to limit the athlete's field of vision are common; ear and eye protection are a given.

Air Pistol 
Free Pistol 
Rapid Fire Pistol 
Sport Pistol 


All rifle clothing and accessories are governed by strict rules for thickness and stiffness. Shooters start with sweatshirts or sweaters and tights, then put on jackets and pants made of leather or canvas. This ensemble improves physical stability and helps muffle the pulse during these lengthy contests. Flat-soled leather boots aid the rifle shooter's stability from the standing and kneeling positions. Leather gloves with rubber-padded palms helps minimize the discomfort of the heavy rifle and sling. The sling (extending from the triceps to the front of the rifle stock) is used for support when shooting from the prone or kneeling positions. In the standing portion of the three-position match, athletes may use palm rests for extra comfort and gun elevation. Between shots, competitors rest their rifles on a shooting stand. Shooting glasses, ear and eye protection are other important accessories.

Air Rifle 
Free Rifle Prone 
Three-Position Rifle 

Running Target

Competitors wear leather or canvas jackets that are tighter than those worn by rifle shooters. The jackets inhibit upper body movement, forcing more lower body movement in tracking targets. Flat-soled shooting boots are commonly worn for balance and stability.

Running Target 


Shotgun shooters typically wear vests with ammunition pouches and extra padding where the gun is shouldered. Most competitors have vests for cold and warm weather. Glasses are used for safety and to enhance target-tracking ability. Competitors have various colored lenses for different weather conditions. For example, a bronze lens is appropriate for sunny weather, while a yellow or light orange lens would be best for overcast skies. Some competitors affix blinders to the sides of their shooting glasses to keep wind out of their eyes and prevent distraction from side motion.

Double Trap 

Getting started in ISSF rifle
The Air Pistol Home Page
Running Target Central is a good starting point for RT.

© 1999-2002 Michael Ray
Updated: April 3, 2002