Updated April 9, 2002, NEW files: puzzles, film, travel. |
This page's original scope was college basketball and football, particularly small-time programs. And at one time, I typed [!] in the news and scores every week. Since news and information have become much easier to find on the web, I am going to simply point you toward the proper sources. If you don't like frames, ki Now a brief editorial, because I can. Please visit epic.org's web site and learn more about the issue of Electronic Privacy and Cryptography. Hey, I'm no libertarian but censorship and privacy are important issues which I would just want you to be aware of. Visit PGP and learn how to use cryptography. Use my public key to send me secure mail. See what you can do about spam. Please adjust your web browser to be at least wide enough to see the blue line above in its entirety [wider is better]. If your display doesn't look spiffy, or if you're not able to see the animation, get NetScape first, then complain. See my page page or my spiffy page for why and more. To stop animation from loading, simply hit the STOP button on your browser or the Escape key a few times.
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peace, You may email me with comments, suggestions, news, errata, icons, sweet nothings, and yes, even hate mail at Frames on / off For the Frame Impaired: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Internet, Manhattan, me, Miscellaneous, Movies [New], Music, Pictures, market quiz, Jokes, Puzzles [New], Travel [new], Wines, Penn.
?1995-2000 LD, all rights reserved.
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