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Agandritis George 92' (Electrical Engineering), Work Address: Ford Motor Hellas, 235-255 Messogion Ave., 154 51 N. Psichiko, Athens Greece. Telephones: + 30 1 6799954, +30 1 6799943, E-Mail:

Amanakis Nikos 99' (School of Mgt. Studies) Telephone 081-228170 EMAIL:

Arnold Derek 81’ Civil Engineering Address: B2 Ville de Jardin, 35 Sui wo Road, Fo Tan, NT, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2603 2432 E-Mail:

Baggili Zeid 98’ BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management (University of Surrey). Address: PO Box 1565 Amman 11183 Jordan Telephone: 00962 6 5534709 Occupation: Restaurant Manager of Bonita (Spanish Restaurant).

Baltas Thodoris 98' (Chemical Engineering) E-Mail:

Baron Kenneth (Dr.) 99’ Educational Studies. Address: 257 English Place, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 USA E-Mail: Since 1999 - He worked at the College of New Jersey, Emory University in Atlanta, and just recently returned from a trip around the world with the University of Pittsburgh's Semester at Sea Program (

Bastakis Kostas 99', Telephone: 081-210484, EMAIL:

Bavetsas Nikos 99' (Electrical), Address: El Alamein 5, Halandri, Greece, Telephone: +30 1 6855254, Mobile: +30 974 314855, E-Mail:

Bernardo Patricia 99' (SEMS) BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management and MSc in Marketing, Address: 51 Conduit Rd, Apt 3A, Hong Kong Telephone: +852 28572814 E-Mail:

Bezantakou Danai 00' BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Work Address: Kefi Travel, Kiffissias Ave., Kiffisia, above Olympic Airways near the old Trohonomos, Telephone: +30 1 6232106 Mobile: +30 972 301515. E-Mail:

 BISTA MARIA Department = Department of Linguistics Year of Graduation = 1998 Address = 119 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey-GU1 2DT Telephone = 01483-561139 Mobile = 07957-564981 E-Mail =

Boubouli Rea 99' (School of Mgt. Studies) , Telephones: 081-381504, 081-380132, 0945-488537, EMAIL:

Boukouvalas Constantinos 96  ( PhD Electrical Engineering) Telephone: +30 1 6138005, +30 1 6114696, Address: 17 Karaoli-Demetriou St., Melissia 151 27, Greece, Occupation: R&D Department, OTE S.A., E-Mail:

Buhalis Dimitris 96 (SMSSS, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK), Telephone: +44 1483 876332, E-Mail:, Having done my MSc and PhD at Surrey and teaching from 1991 to 1995 I went to work at another University for 5 years before coming back in 2000 to develop a new initiate a new MSc in eTourism as well as research centre on the topic. I am also developing the "10 years after…." Seminar for MSc graduates from MSTHI/DOMS/SMSS that graduated 10 years ago. That will be just after the World Travel Market every November. It will be great to keep in touch.

Charalambous Christos 99', Telephone: 003572751784, EMAIL:

Chotzoglou Lila LIS 1999 Address = 63 Agias Fotinis, Nea Smirni Telephone = 010-9333171 Mobile = 0944-590809 E-Mail =

Chrysostomou Chrisostomos 99', Telephones: 0035727ä4516, 003579440655, EMAIL:

Clavell Victor 91 (MSc in International Hotel Management),  Address: 221 East 72nd Street New York NY10021 Telephone: 2128779192 E-Mail:

Cossenas Andreas 99 (Management Studies) Address: Kazantzaki 21, Pefki 151 21, Athens, Telephone: 01 8065804, Mobile: 0944355147 E-Mail: JCOSS1@PANAFONET.GR

Coupat Valerie 99' (School of Management Studies), MSc in Tourism Marketing, Telephone: +44 (0) 385597388 E-Mail:

Dambassinas Dimitris Economics 1998 Address = 69 Mitropoleos Street , GR54622, Thessaloniki, Greece Telephone = +30310264038 Mobile = +30932680600 E-Mail =

Dialectacos Nikos M.Sc. (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 2000 Address = Athens, Greece Telephone = Mobile = +3094 4451285 E-Mail = Comments = Occupation: Web Developer, VeltiNet, Athens, Greece. BEng in "Computer Systems Engineering" (Surrey University), M.Sc. in Multimedia Technology & Systems (Surrey University)

Dimopoulos Andreas 98’ MSc in Marketing (University of Birmingham), BSc in Economics with Spanish and German (University of Surrey). Address: Ypsilantou, K.Pefki, Athens, Greece. Mobile: +30 946071190.

Doucas Constantinos Department = TOURISM (Management Studies), Year of Graduation = 1995, Address = 40, Inverness Terrace, London, Telephone = +44 7880644045, Mobile = +44 7880644045, E-Mail = Comments Currently, working for Thomas Cook UK Travel Group in London. Young, free and single! Greek Macedonian by geographical origin!

Douvitsas Panayiotis 94' (MSc Department of Management Studies), Telephone: +30 1 2849812 Mobile: +30 97 200470, Address: 13 Lahana St., N. Iraklio, Athens 141 21, Greece, Occupation: working at the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games "Athens 2004" S.A. / Section Manager, Supplementary Means of Accommodation E-Mail:

Drakopoulos George 92' (Department of Management Studies), Address: 34, Amalias Ave., 105 58, Athens, Greece Telephone: +30 1 3217165 Mobile: +30 944 325445 Occupation: General Manager, Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises E-Mail:

Flega Sofia Mgt Studies for the Service Sector 1999 Address = P.O. Box 11, Karpenissi, 361 00 Telephone = 02370-22131 Mobile = 0976-688975 E-Mail =

Flegkas Paris PhD (CCSR, EE), Address: 17, Guildford Park Ave, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7NJ, Telephone: 44 (0) 1483 857035 Mobile: 07714916296 E-Mail:

Fostieri Yianna 99' (School of Mgt. Studies) , Address: El. Venizelou 3, Glyfada É 6675, Athens, Telephone: 01-8981009, 0945-970575, EMAIL:

Fotiou Marios Department = Electronic Engineering Year of Graduation = 2001 E-Mail = = MSc student at UCL studying Spacecraft Technology & Satellite Communications

Giannoudis Athina 95 (School of Biological Science), Telephone: +44 114 2663921, Address: 102 Bates St., Crookes, Sheffield S10 1NQ Occupation: Reasearch Associate at the University of Sheffield E-Mail: 

Iacovidou Haris *Hotel Management Address: 4-6 Arsinoes Street, Flat 53, Nicosia 2006, Cyprus Telephone: + 3572316103 Mobile: + 357 9 653146 E-Mail: ) Didn't actually finish Surrey University, but transferred after the first year to the States at Cornell. She is working in Cyprus, and opened a gym

Kakas Paris 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Address: Iroon Polytechneiou, 28-30, Rhodes 85100, Telephones: 0241-26929, 0945-045218, 01-7218261, EMAIL:

KALANTZIS GEORGIOS Department = DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTING SCIENCES Year of Graduation = 1994 Address = ANTIFILOU 46, 157 71, ZOGRAFOU Telephone = 2109559592 E-Mail =

Kaligerou Amanda 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephones 01-8019035, 01-3238001, Address Esperia Palace, Stadiou 22, Syntagma EMAIL:

Kalkavouras Mike 98’ BEng in Information Systems Engineering, MSc in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications (University of Surrey) Address: 50, Timotheou St., Pagrati, Athens 116 33. Occupation: Working for Logica Telephone: +30 1 7668173 Mobile: +44 7775 662482 EMAIL:

Kalogeropoulos Yiannis SEMS,Financial Services 1999 Address = Evritanias 13 Street Athens, Ampelokoipoi, Greece Telephone = +30106990568 Mobile = +30937198978 E-Mail = Comments =  I am currently working as an Investment Analyst in Diethniki Mutual Fund - Asset Management Company, a subsidiary of National Bank of Greece based in Athens on Stadiou 10 Street. My phone number at during working hours (9-6 daily) is +30103347789. Previously i was working as an equity research analyst for Eurocorp SA , also based in Athens. I would be glad if any of the old SEMS classmates would give me a call to go out and remember all our experiences during our course in Surrey back on the 1998-1999 period. As you have all understood I graduated in 1999 and I was a full year attendant in 1998-1999. For all you that you still can't remember me i was the Greek guy that was involved with the Chinese girl.Wishes for all Surrey graduates around the world

Kamarinos George Department = MANAGEMENT STUDIES Year of Graduation = 2001 Mobile = +30944-580121 E-Mail =

Kanellopoulou Marialena 98 (School of Biological Sciences) Address: 50 Messinias st., Galatsi 111-47, Athens Telephone: 01-2915288 Mobile: 0974 326207 E-Mail:

Karabatsakis Michalis 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephone: 0821-64038, EMAIL:

KARLI (UTKU) NÝL 91 (Tourism and Hotel Management)Address: YALI YOLU CAD. MERSÝN SOK. M.SEVGÝLÝ SÝTESÝ NO:11 A-25 BOSTANCI-ÝSTANBUL/TURKEY, Telephone: 90 216 3720043 Mobile: 0532 2661587 Occupation: Marketing Manager at insurance brokerage firm. E-Mail: Left hotels in 1993 because of hardwork after married. Now with the two children, still working in the service sector as insurance broker. Business address:

Karoumbis Helena 92' (School of Management Studies) Address: 54 Soi Santipharp, Nares Rd., Bangkok 10500, Thailand, Telephone: (662) 233-5606/7 Mobile: (661) 611-0439 Occupation: Graduated in 1992 with an MSc in Tourism Planning and Development, Department of Management Studies for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries, University of Surrey. Having spent 5 years in the hospitality industry, based in London, I moved into Event Management/Conference Organising in January 1998. I am now working as Events & Conference Director for The Economist Conferences, based in Bangkok Thailand E-Mail:

Karteris Manolis 95' (Department of Biological Sciences), Occupation: Research Fellow at Warwick University Address: Department of Biological Studies, University of Warwick Telephone: +44 2476 522444 E-Mail:

Katsianou Mima 98' (BSc in Microbiology), MSc in Clinical Microbiology, Queen Mary and Westfield College, St Bartholomews and Royal London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London  Address: 16 Xiromenou st., 115 26, Athens, Greece. Telephone: 6925542 Mobile: 093 7701011 E-Mail:

Klinakis Manolis 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephone: 081- 721807

Kokkinou Eleni, BSc (Hons) Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1994-1998, MSc in Medical Physics, University of Surrey, 1998-1999, PhD in Biomedical Imaging, CVSSP, Elec. And Electronic Eng, UniS, 1999- ? ? ?, Address: 17 Kosti Palama, Korinos-Katerini, 60062, Greece. UK: 36 Cedar Way, Bellfields, Guildford, GU1 1JH, Surrey, England Telephone: GR +30 (0) 35141590 , UK + 44 (0) 7957 472682 E-Mail:

Konstantopoulos Lefteris 95' (Electronic and Electrical Engineering), Beng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Address: 32, Parnassou ST., Panorama Voulas, P.C. 16673, Athens, Greece Telephones: 0030 1 8957573 (Home), 0030 1 6860596 (Work) Fax: 0030 1 4831775, E-Mail(1): E-Mail(2):

Korogiannis Constantinos Electronic Engineering 2002 Mobile = +30942613245 E-Mail =

Kostis Mitsios SeMS 2001 Address = 10, Liakateon Street Telephone= (+3)010 6448501 Mobile = (+3)0977618619 E-Mail=

Kourouni Kyriaki Lanaguage & International Studies 1998 Address = Venizelou 51-53, Kallithea, 176 71 Athens, Greece Mobile = +30 974 275878 E-Mail = Comments = BA (Hons) English Language & Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1992-6), MA in Translation (Distinction), University of Surrey (1997-8). Occupation: currently working (unfortunately far away from Thessaloniki and Halkidiki ;-) as Communications Officer, Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Athens.

Kourtis Spiros 96' (Mechanical Engineering, Address: Arkadiou 33, Halandri 15231, Greece. Occupation: Marine Surveyor with American Bureau of Shipping Telephone: +30 1 6775146 Mobile: +30 932 744452, E-Mail:

Koutsoupi Christos 99', Address: 8 ANTHEMIOU Str, STROVOLOS, NICOSIA, CYPRUS, Telephone: 00357-2-327953, EMAIL:

KRIEZI-APOSTOLI LILA Department = ECONOMICS Year of Graduation = 2000 Address = 25 LOUKIANOU STREET, 106 75 ATHENS Telephone = 0107232138 E-Mail = Comments =  MSc in Management with Finance, University of Bath, Bath, UK (graduated 2001). Now working with BrainStorming – Business Consultants in Athens.

Kriezis-Carrer Alexandros Mathematics&Statistics 1999 Address = Loukianou 25, 10675 Athens, Greece Telephone = 0107232138 Mobile = 0973791061 E-Mail = Comments MSc in Finance at Imperial College (1999-2000)

Liakos Stavros 99' (School of Mgt. Studies) , Telephones 01-8659458, 0275-22835, EMAIL:


Livieratos Gerasimos 98 Electronic Engineering: Msc in Mobile Communicatio Address = 22 Analipseos str, Vironas 16231, Athens , Greece Telephone = +30 10 6772600 Mobile = +30 942 464917 E-Mail = Comments Now working for topos communications in Greece as Senior Radiocommunications engineer, after leaving UK where used to work for One2One.

Magoulas Antonis 94' (Dept. of Mechanical Eng), BEng in Mechanical Engineering with offshore and Maritime Engineering, Occupation: Agent and Distributor of Marine and Industrial Equipment. Telephone: 094 5936141, E-Mail:

Manou Elina 99' (School of Mgt. Studies) Address: M. Botsari 15, Ano Vrilissia, Athens 15235 Telephone :01-8040537 EMAIL:

Mansour Sabrina 00’ SMSSS Address: Cimac Automaton Ltd, Po Box 61314 Telephone: 00 971 48837013 E-Mail: She is a Marketing Executive for a British Engineering Company in Jebel Ali.

Margaris Katerina SMSS 2002 Address = 71 Guildford Park Avenue Telephone = 01483 855488

Markopoulou Maria SMSS 2002 Address = 71 Guildford Park Avenue Telephone = 01483 855488

Mavroforos Nikos Department = Economics Year of Graduation = 2001 Address = Navarinou 1 Maroussi Mobile = 0932 748030 E-Mail =

Mesogiti Debbie 96 (School of Biological Sciences), Telephone: +44 1483 22166, Address: 21 Medalls Path, Shephall, Stevenage, SG2 9DX, UK, E-Mai: , Research Scientist in GlaxoSmithKline, Department of Immunology and Virology. Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, SG1 2NY, UK

Mouroukis Dimitris 99' (Civil Engineering) E-Mail:

Mouskos Haris 99', Telephone: 003572382418, EMAIL:

Mouzakis Yannis 96' (Mathematical and Comp. Science, SEMS), Address: 21 Arkadiou St., 15341 Agia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece, Occupation: Marketing Analyst Telephone: +30 1 653 4343, Mobile: +30 944 272841, E-Mail:

Okland Bjorn Hilleroy 91 (MSTHI, MSc in Tourism Management) Address: Midtvollen 9, N-4319 SANDNES, NORWAY Telephone: 51 67 03 02 Occupation: Financial Manager, TINE (Norway`s major dairy company). E-Mail:

Othman Amer 99' (SEMS), Address: Citibank, PO BOX 749 Dubai UAE, Telephone: 0097145074352 Mobile: 00971505682579 E-Mail:

Panayiotonakou Marilena 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Address: Lindos 85107, Rhodes, Greece, Telephone: 0244-31529, EMAIL:

Papadodimas Panos 98' BSc Chemistry University of Surrey, MSc Food Science and Technology Reading University. Address: 4 Iliou Str., Glyfada Athens, 16674, Greece. Telephone: +30 1 9622730, +30 (0) 945266639 E-Mail: , .

Papaeconomou Amalia 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephone: 0331-24365, EMAIL:

Papaharalambos Dimitrios ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1998 Address = 149 GOLDSMITHS ROW, FLAT 2, LONDON E2 8QR Telephone = 020 7739 1928 E-Mail = Comments =  SENIOR ENGINEER, INMARSAT, UK

Papamichael Myrto 2000 (SEMS), Address: 8 Kalamatas St., Acropolis, Nicosia, 2002, Cyprus Telephone: 003572491418 Mobile: 003579435559 E-Mail:

Papapostolou Elias BEng in Civil Engineering (University of Surrey Class of '97), MSc in Structural Design (University College London, Graduated Sep '98), Contact Address: 3, Niovis Street, Filothei, Athens, 15237, Contact Phone no: 01-6713540, Contact E-mail address:

Papatheodorou Constantinos Dpt. of Physics & SEMS 1999 Address = 11 Thisseos Street, Kifissia, PC 14564, Athens, Hellas Telephone = 010-8077431 Mobile = 0944-884796 E-Mail = Comments = Product Development Associate ECDL Hellas S.A.

Papayiannis Dimitris 91 (MSc in Tourism Management), Telephone: 01 6016827, Mobile: 0932 601154, Address: 7 Koumoundourou St., 153 41, Agia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece, Occupation: General Manager of Advance Tourism and Hotel Management Consultants E-Mail:

Papayiannis Yiannis Department = Elec Eng Year of Graduation = 1995 Address = Evrou 26, Ampelokipoi, Athens, PC: 115-27 Telephone = +302119993940 Mobile = +3099 9990048 E-Mail Comments =  Work as Customer Engineering & Service Provisioning Manager and also as Fixed Wireless Access(LMDS) Project Manager

Parirakis Michalis 92 (Department of Management Studies), Address: Machis Kritis 1, Heraklion 71303, Crete, Greece, Telephone: 081 317042 Mobile: 0946 791241 Occupation: working for a non profit organisation , promoting and developing crete's tourism product.  E-Mail:

Philippopoulos Nick Department = SEMS Year of Graduation = 1999 Address = 76 Laskou Str, Papagos, 15 669, Athens Telephone = 010.6548569 Mobile = 0942.290273 E-Mail =

Q-Telecom/INFOQUEST, in Athens, Greece.

Queijan Samer 99’ SEMS Address: Beirut, Lebanon Mobile: 00 961 3 883067 E-Mail:

Raquel Morais de Oliveira 99' (School of Management Studies), Address: Rua Dom Jose d'Avilez, LT. 3-E, 1-B, 2750 Cascais, Portugal. E-Mail:

Sakogiannis Vassilis 96' MSc in Medical Physics, BSc in Physics with Medical Physics, Address: 4, Syrou str., 15562, Holargos, Athens, Work Address: Nokia Hellas S.A. 348 Kifissias Avenue, 152 33 Halandri Occupation:  WBS (Wireless Broadband Systems) product marketing manager in NOKIA Hellas Telephone: +30 1 6835619 Mobile:: +30977667081 E-Mail:

Santana Gui 91 (Department of Management Studies), Address: Rua Floriano Peixoto 398/502 - Itajav - SC, 88306-430, Brazil Telephone: +55 47 348 7096 Mobile: + 55 47 9967 40 Occupation/History: Following the MSc. in International Hotel Management at the DOMS, I went to Bournemouth University and received a PhD Degree in 1997. Since then I am based in Brazil working as a researcher, lecturer and consultant on organizational and environmental crisis management and marketing. E-Mail:

Sega-Buhalis Maria 99 (MSc, Department of Management Studies), Telephone: +44 1483 574463, Address: 20 Lynwood, Guildford, UK, GU2 7N, E-Mail:

Shastri Ranjit 91 (Management Studies), Address: 24, Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057, India Telephone: 91 11 6146642 Mobile: 98 102 95357 Occupation: Consultant, but not in Tourism E-Mail:

Singh Ashihsh 99' (School of Management Studies), Telephone: +1 4075602280 - ext 1682 USA, E-Mail:

Sofos Nasos 91' (Management Studies), Address: 1 rue Simonis, 1060 Brussels, Belgium Occupation: European Commission, Regional Policy, Structural Funds to Greece Telephone: +32 2 2952864 Mobile: +32 486 834969 E-Mail:

Soldatou Margaret SEMS 1998 Address = 7 KONDYLI ST. 17455  ALIMOS, KALAMAKI, GREECE Telephone = 0109814856 E-Mail = Comments = I am currently working for Alpine Center (University for Hotel and Tourism Management studies) as Academic Assistant and BA(Hons) tutor.

Stamatiou George 99’ MSc in International Hotel Management, BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management (University of Surrey). Address: 48 Kolokotroni St., K.Pefki 151 21 Athens, Greece. Telephone: +30 1 8064720 Mobile: +30946091380 E-Mail: Homepage: (press here to view my personal Homepage)

Stavropoulos Kostis 98' Electrical Engineering Telephone: +44 1483 851948 EMAIL:

Stoumpos Kostas 98' (Chemical Engineering) E-Mail: and

STRATI SYLLIA SURREY EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 2000 Address = MAKEDONIAS 90 PAPAGOU Telephone = 010-6533797 Mobile = 0944341936 E-Mail =

Tanos Myria 2000 (SEMS), Address: 12 Andrea Assioti Street, Acropolis, Nicosia Cyprus, Mobile: 003579688632 E-Mail:

Tasiou Aspa 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephones: 01-6512321, 0944331411

Tseliou Christina SMSSS, MSc In Tourism Marketing 2000 Address = 11 Ammohostou str, Rhodes 85100 Greece Telephone = 0030241024752 Mobile = +30944964985 E-Mail = Comments =Assistant Marketing and PR Manager Rodos Palace Resort Hotel - Convention Center in Rhodes Greece

Tsigou Margarita Department = Dance Year of Graduation = 2002 Address = 5 Paparigopulou street, Ag.Paraskevi, 15343, Athens Telephone = 0106002668 Mobile = 0974058233 E-Mail =

Tsirakidis Theoklis 99' (School of Mgt. Studies), Telephones: 031-823240, 0977-646158, EMAIL:

Tsourougiannis Nikolaos 98, (Chemical Engineering) Address: 29 Rodon st., Ag. Paraskevi Telephone: 01-6531165 Mobile: 0944334197 E-Mail:

Turgut Natalie Ayse 99’ Department of Management Studies Address: Ýs Bankasi Bloklari B/24 Fenerbahce, Istanbul, Turkey Telephone: +90 212 2705232 E-Mail:

Tzavara Sia 99' , Telephone: 0622-22143, EMAIL:

Tzemou Angelika 98’ MSc in Human Resource Management (SEMS) E-Mail:

Varnava Antonis Department = ECONOMICS Year of Graduation = 2002 Address = Limassol,Cyprus E-Mail =

Vasconcelos Cecil Tiago 99' ( School of Management Studies) BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management and MSc in International Hotel Management Address: Rua Candida Sa de Albergaria 178, 4150 Porto, Portugal. Telephone: +351 (0)2 6170877 Mobile: +351 (0) 933 305437 Portugal, +44 (0) 7775922142 United Kingdom E-Mail:

Vasilikou Christina 99’ (DOMS) MSc in Developing Tourism, BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management Address: Knossou 12, 112-53, Athens Telephone: 8641748  E-Mail:

Vasilopoulou Anita Department = SMSS Year of Graduation = 2002 Address = 52 Melville Grove, 81 Grove St, Liverpool, L7 7AD E-Mail = Comments = MBA in Marketing (University of


Vasilopoulou Athina (Anita) Department = SMSS Year of Graduation = 2002 Address = 52 Melville Grove, 81 Grove Street, Liverpool, L7 7AD Telephone = 08708889135 E-Mail = Comments =  BSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management (University of Surrey),  MBA in Marketing (University of Liverpool)


Vavadaki Katerina Department = Civil Engineering Year of Graduation = 1995 Address = Anthemiou 38 71306 Iraklio, Crete E-Mail =

Velentzas Spyros 95' (Electronics & Electrical Engineering - CCSR), MSc in Telematics, Address: 8 Dores Court, Upper Stratton, Swindon SN2 7QY, UK. Occupation: Working for Motorola at Swindon, Telephone: +44 1793 564033 Mobile: +44 7715 071492, E-Mail:

Zachari Christina Department = LIS Year of Graduation = 2001 Address = Av. Albert Elisabeth 66 Bte 31 1200 Woluwe Bruxelles Belgium Mobile = 0032 477 784692 E-Mail =

Zakka Maria Department = Linguistic and International Studies Year of Graduation = 2002 Address = Sarkoudinou 78, 117-44, Neos Kosmos, Athens, Greece Telephone = 00302109016961 Mobile = 0030972941905 E-Mail =

Zeimpekis Vasileios Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2000 Address = Ivis 94, P. Faliro, Athens, 17562, GREECE Telephone = 010-9841073 Mobile = 0972-584801 E-Mail = Comments = '01 -- BEng in Telecommunications Engineering (97-00,University of Essex), MSc in Mobile and Satellite Communications (00-01, University of Surrey), MSc in Engineering Business Management (01-02, University of Warwick), PhD in Mobile Business (02-...,Athens University of Economics and Business

Zerva Ioanna SEMS 1995 Address = Taxiarhon 43, Alimos Telephone = 0109828400 Mobile = 0976618404 E-Mail = Comments =  Married to Christophoros Livatharas, mother of a little Girl

Zitouniatis Eftychios Surrey European Management School 1999 Address = 8 Ippolytou str., 11255 Athens Telephone = 010-2234029 Mobile = 0944-500827 E-Mail =





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