Jessie and Andrew's Wedsite

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Schedule for the weekend

Friday, 8th February, 2008

No formal arrangements for Wedding Party. If you are arriving this evening then you'll have a chance to meet up with old and new friends before the big day.

Saturday, 9th February, 2008

11:30 am
Meet at Beamish Hall, Stanley (directions from the J63 of the A1 here ).
12 noon
Wedding service starts at Beamish Hall
1:15 pm
Transportation to Church Service. A bus will be provided but you are of course welcome to drive yourself (directions here)
2 pm
Church Service at St Margaret's Church, Tanfield.
3 pm
Return to Beamish Hall for reception drinks and photographs
4:30 pm
Wedding Breakfast
7:30 pm
Start of evening entertainment
1 am
Last orders at the bar.

Sunday, 10th February, 2008

Breakfast for the brave
10 am
Check out at Beamish Hall (may differ at other hotels)
10-12 am
Wedding party at Beamish Hall saying goodbyes etc
12 noon
Sunday Lunch available at Beamish Hall (by separate arrangement - please call Beamish Hall for reservations)


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