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Wednesday, 1/19/2000
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Questionnaire
- Lab Check-In
- Safety
Monday, 1/24/2000
- Chapter
1 homework is due.
- Chapter 2 - Measurements, a little
history, dimensional analysis (unit conversions), and significant figures.
- Bring your calculator.
Wednesday, 1/26/2000
- Chapter
2 - Measurements, a little history, dimensional analysis (unit conversions),
and significant figures.
- Bring your calculator.
- Lab
Activity #1. Bring your lab manual and safety goggles. The lab report
is due before you leave. Plan ahead, read the manual and the lab
guide. Remember, in this lab activity, the way you report your data is
more important than the actual numbers you obtain or calculate.
Monday, 1/31/2000
- Chapter
2 - Group exercises, preparation for Quiz 1.
- Bring your calculator to class every day
and figure out how to use it. Don't trust my answers without checking them
- Homework for Chapter 2 is due on Wednesday
at 5:30 p.m. Start soon, so you can ask questions on Monday.
Wednesday, 2/2/2000
- Chapter
2 - Thanks to those of you who have already asked questions on the homework.
You're way ahead of the rest of the class.
- Homework for Chapter 2 is due on Wednesday
at 5:30 p.m. Just do it. I'll have it graded and returned to you by Monday.
- I'll be in LA all day Tuesday (2/1/2000),
so if you have any questions, send me an email and I'll get back to you
Tuesday night.
Thursday, 2/3/2000
- The number on the syllabus I passed
out in class is an older number that no longer works. My actual (new) phone
number at work is now on the Internet version of the syllabus.
Monday, 2/7/2000
- Good luck on Quiz #1. Remember to
show your work; that means all calculations, in unit conversion format. Also,
learn those rules for significant figures.
- Monday is a good day to ask me questions
about the homework for Chapter 2.
Wednesday, 2/9/2000
- Good luck on Quiz #1. Sig figs will
count (at least one point per question). If you do a calculation, even if
it's in your head, show what you did. If you have no idea where to start,
write something!
- Click on the links in the left column of
this page for some useful study hints and practice problems.
- Homework for Chapters 3-5 is now posted
on this site.
Thursday, 2/10/2000
- Well, you all looked like you
knew what you were doing tonight during the quiz! I sincerely hope that test
anxiety didn't get the best of any of you, and that you all did your best.
I'll have the quiz graded for return on Monday.
- Time to get started on the homework
for Chapters 3, 4, and 5. It's due in less than a week (2/16/2000, at 5:30
p.m. sharp).
Monday, 2/14/2000
- Happy Valentine's Day.
- The quizzes are graded. Your class average
was about 74 points.
- Time to get started on the homework
for Chapters 3, 4, and 5. It's due this Wednesday, 2/16/2000, at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 2/15/2000
- In case this site ever is down (like
it was this weekend), you can find me at the mirror
site listed below. Write down or bookmark the address, in case you need
- Let me know if you need help on the homework
for Chapters 3, 4, and 5. It's due tomorrow, 2/16/2000, at 5:30 p.m. sharp.
Wednesday, 2/16/2000
- I've now set up an index to the study guides
and pre-lab guides. It's nothing new, just a new way to get to the guides.
- Let me know if you need help on the homework
for Chapters 3, 4, and 5. It's due today,
at 5:30 p.m. sharp.
- Get ready to learn chemical
nomenclature today.