![[Dec. Line]](images/bar_1_.gif)
(As Ratified 4/84, and Amended 6/87, 10/88, 2/94,
4/05, 2/07 & 4/07)
The name of the organization shall be the KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM PERSONNEL and may be abbreviated to read (KAEOPP). ARTICLE I - NAME
The purpose of this organization shall be:
(1) to serve as a single unit of representatives
for the collective programs which meet the special criteria set by the
United States Department of Education for serving disadvantaged students
and persons within the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
(2) to serve as the initial step toward furthering state, regional, and national special program objectives;
(3) to facilitate various activities designed to advance the professional development of personnel within these programs and the continued growth of the students and persona involved with these programs;
(4) to plan and execute inter-project activities to bring together students from various regions of the Commonwealth, Southeastern Region, and the nation; and
(5) to coordinate and communicate among local, regional and national organizations for mutual growth and development of services to students, for timely efforts to promote programs, and for facilitation of program related activities.
Membership in KAEOPP shall be of four types: Professional, Associate, Affiliate, and Lifetime.
(1) Professional membership in KAEOPP shall be limited to those persons, including instructional staff, actively engaged in the administration or general operation of TRIO programs located in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Persons qualifying for Professional Membership should spend a significant and continuing portion of their professional appointments involved in the concern of the disadvantaged student. Each professional member is entitled to one vote and is eligible to hold office as delineated in ARTICLE IV of this constitution,
(2) Associate membership is generally available to clerical, and support personnel working in TRIO programs located in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Associate members are entitled to register for the annual conference at no charge, but are not entitled to hold office or vote.
(3) Affiliate membership is available to other TRIO professionals or persons who do not qualify for Professional Membership under the provisions of ARTICLE 111, SECTION 1. Affiliate members must pay conference registration fee, and are not entitled to hold office or vote.
(4) Lifetime membership is conferred by action of the Executive Board of KAEOPP. Lifetime members are entitled to attend any organization function free of charge, are entitled to vote, but are not entitled to hold office.
(5 Membership dues will be required annually of all Professional, Associate, and Affiliate members.
(a) Membership dues shall cover expenses approved by the Executive Board.
(b)The membership dues are set by the recommendation of the Executive Board and approved by a two-thirds majority of the membership present at any business meeting or by mail ballot of the total membership. Notification of the recommendation to change the membership dues must be given to the full membership a minimum of ten (IO) days prior to the vote.
(c) The membership year for KAEOPP shall be October I - September 30.
(e) There shall be no proration of membership dues.
(1) Officers for KAEOPP shall be elected biannually at the regular or special called meeting, or by mail or electronic balloting on or before March 15 of each election year, shall assume responsibilities at the end of the Spring KAEOPP final business meeting, and shall be for a term of two years.
(3) No elected officer may succeed him/herself
(4) Vacancies
(a) If the position of an elected officer becomes vacant during the term of office, the President can appoint a person to fill the unexpired term with a two-thirds approval vote of the Executive Board. Notice is given to each program when such appointments are made.
(b) If an elected officer fails to carry out the duties and responsibilities of his/her position, that officer may be removed from office as follows:
((I)) The Executive Board, by a two-thirds majority vote, shall have the power to remove an officer. Removal of an officer may be effected, when it is in the best interest of KAEOPP to do so.
((2)) Before final action may be taken with respect to the removal of an officer, a notice of intent to remove must be approved by a majority of the members of the Executive Board present. The affected officer must be notified in writing of the vote and advised of the reasons for the action in a written statement of particulars. The affected officer shall have thirty (30) days from the time of the vote to effect remedial actions or otherwise bring him/herself in compliance with the purposes, by-laws, and best interest of KAEOPP.
((3)) At the time, at which, the Board will make a final decision on a motion to remove, the members of the Board shall reconsider its vote, reviewing any remedial steps taken by the affected officer. A two-thirds vote of all members of the Board shall be necessary to approve a motion to remove an officer.
((4)) Any officer removed from office will be replaced in accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4, a.
(5) Duties of officers are as follows:
(a) PRESIDENT: The President shall be the chief elected officer of KAEOPP, presiding at all meetings. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the EXECUTIVE BOARD, make all appointments to both standing and ad hoc committees, and may delegate additional duties to the officers. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees, and shall sign the minutes of all meetings after approval. The President has the power to appoint individuals to fill unexpired terms in accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4 of this constitution.
(b) VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall assist the President and perform the duties delegated by him/her. In the absence or disability of the President, he/she shall have the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall serve as the SAEOPP Conference Committee Representative.
(c) SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and conduct correspondence, letters and notices. The Secretary shall also be responsible for coordinating the KAEOPP Newsletter.
(d) TREASURER: The Treasurer shall collect and have custody of all dues and other funds. The Treasurer shall also make disbursements as directed by the Executive Board and make a written financial report annually. The Treasurer shall certify membership in KAEOPP and assist with conference registration. The Treasurer will be chair of the Membership Committee and ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.
(e) MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: The Members-at-Large shall be known as the Conference Member-at-Large, and the Service Member-at-Large.
((I)) Conference Member-at-Large shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating both the annual fall conference and the spring meeting of the organization. This Member-at-Large will be chair of the Conference Committee,
((2)) Service Member-at-Large shall be responsible for compiling and distributing the annual KAEOPP directory. This Member-at-Large will be chair of the Awards Committee.
(1) The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the organization and the immediate Past-President.
(2) Board meetings shall be held with time and place to be arranged at the discretion of the President. Notification of fifteen (I5) or more working days must be made to Board members of any Board meeting.
(3) To conduct business, a quorum of two-thirds of the members of the Board must be present.
(1) All committees, with the exception of the Executive Board, will be appointed bi annually by the President. A committee chair shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as chair of the same committee.
(2) Standing committees for KAEOPP shall consist of Conference, Awards, Development, Membership, Archives, TRIO Alumni Society, Public Relations, Student Initiatives, Finance, Constitution, State Advocacy, Nominating
(3) Ad Hoc committees shall be established at the discretion of the President.
(4) Duties and composition of the Standing and Ad Hoc committees will be detailed in the KAEOPP Policy Manual and will be distributed to Committee Chairs at the time of their appointment.
Each Professional and Lifetime member in good standing of KAEOPP shall be entitled to one vote. Voting shall be by mail ballot sent to all members or by voice vote at business meetings.
Nothing in the constitution shall be valid which is in conflict with mandates of regulations of the United State Department of Education or the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
This constitution may be amended or changed only if the amendment is approved by a two-thirds majority of the voting members who are present or by a two-thirds majority of the voting members responding through a mail ballot, providing the proposed amendment(s) or change is known to the membership ten (IO) working days prior to the vote.
Meetings shall be
conducted in accordance with accepted parliamentary practice and a
parliamentarian shall be appointed prior to all business and board meetings. The assembly shall constitute a
quorum when the majority of the members who are registered as attending an event
are present.
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office or the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
KAEOPP Constitution (.pdf format for Acrobat Reader)
Last Updated 03-03-2008