on CyberSpace, the online address of the Student
Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP). Through this site, SCMP hopes to provide vital and updated information concerning the plight and struggles of the christian youth/students, the church as well as the Filipino people in general. We hope to establish SCMP on CyberSpace as an electronic center for coordination of SCM chapters in the Philippines as well as a hub for friendship and unity with other SCMs, churches, youth/students, & other oppressed peoples around the world. Do bookmark this site and check for updates every once in a while. We'll do our best to update this regularly. Sign our guestbook and write us an email if you wanted to join our occasional mailing list. Contact us at nccpeace@phil.gn.apc.org or scmphil@hotmail.com or at jmarks@white-star.com SCMP is affiliated with the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), Kalipunan ng Kristiyanong Kabataan sa Pilipinas (3KP), and the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN). It is an associate member of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP). The SCMP on
CyberSpace was unofficially launched on July 27,
1998. |
This site is
being maintained by the Midnight Oil WeBeginners |