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up for those who cannot speak. Protect the rights of
those who are poor, helpless and needy..."
What Is SCMP?
national democratic ecumenical mass
What we SAY?
FAITH without action is dead. WORK for
peace...fight for justice. SPEAK up for the poor,
deprived and oppressed. WHAT do you do to the least of
your brothers and sisters, you do unto HIM. STAND UP for
your rights.
Who we ARE?
Living out the Faith...
Following Christ...
Serving the People...
What we DO?
the SCMP or the movement does ecumenical
bible studies & reflections,
youth camps,
leadership trainings,
studies on Philippine social realities,
information campaign,
film showing,
integration-exposure (INTEX) with workers, peasants,
& urban poor,
protest actions,
women & men caucuses,
medical missions,
relief operations,
community outreach,
fact-finding missions,
writers'-artists' workshops,
cultural assemblies,
Bible-in-Context (BIC) seminars,
international links and solidarities,
Our affiliation
The SCMP is a member-movement of the World Student Christian Federation
(WSCF). It is also a member-organization of the Kalipunan
ng Kristiyanong Kabataan sa Pilipinas (3KP),
National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP),
and the Bagong
Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN).
does the SCMP logo stands for?
The two doves overlapping each other
represent the transformation of the movement from a
campus ministry to a national democratic ecumenical mass
The black dove symbolizes the semi-feudal
and semi-colonial society as the context of the
movement's ecumenical mission and praxis.
The white dove represents the purity of the
society the movement adheres to, while the gray shade
represents the contrasts in the society, and the
struggles challenging & facing the movement.
The upward flight of the doves symbolize the
movement and the society journey to national democracy
for liberation.#