Our family has expanded with the birth of our son, Oliver Paul Bates!
  "My GOD he is huge! He's well over 20 lbs, and he's as strong as an ox. He sleeps through the night, wakes up in a great mood, eats well, and acts like an angel in public. I swear this kid is not mine; I have never been this well behaved!

  "The first time I saw my son, I was high on drugs, he was naked, and he peed on me....kinda like when I first met his Daddy."

(NOTICE: Kayla really hates giving quotes, and was on LOTS of pain medication. Please regard the nude urination remark as a narcotic induced hallucination. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Stats:
Born: Sept. 25th, 2001
At: 1:00 pm exactly
Eyes: Baby-Blue/Grey so far...
: Dark Blonde
t: 20 Inches
t: 7 lbs
  "Coo Coo - Have you filled out my guestbook?"

NOTE: Oliver has begun to talk a lot. If you want to get a sample of it, just give us a call. He loves the telephone and is willing to talk for anyone at the drop of a hat.
Contact Seven
Oliver lying around the house...

The Hippy Dippy Baby

The Hippy Dippy Baby (2)

Dr. Shaun Grady & Oliver

Oliver Kayla & 7

Pictures From Pam's Visit

Pictures From Pam's Visit (2)

Bears & Babies

Pumpkin Patch Bates

Ollie & Friends


Where's my shirt?

New Pictures!

Ho Ho Ho!
Ollie's First Pictures
Lots of visitors!