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Big Daddy / Soundtrack
Austin Powers II / Soundtrack
The Cardigans / Gran Turismo

This album is easy to love or easy to hate, depending on who's listening to it. There's a lot of quality stuff on here, like's Sheryl Crow's Guns N Roses remake of "Sweet Child O' Mine", as well as some older stuff that's pretty good (like "Passing Me By" by the Pharcyde - remember them?), and everything else in between is all right. What makes this album kinda cool is the funny scenes are in the soundtrack, as sound clips. Some of them are pretty funny. If you ask me,the only funny scenes are all on this CD. The movie's a renter as it is, and I think this Soundtrack qualifies as a BMG item. Don't spend 16 bucks on it, but it's worth it if you've got like 10 free CD's coming your way. Decent album, but nonetheless one that you'll forget you own in about a month.

Sometimes you see a movie and have to buy the album.
This album stars a bunch of Stars such as Madonna, Green Day, Scott Weiland (of Stone Temple Pilots), along with Melanie B (a.k.a. Scary Spice), Lenny Kravitz, and some others.
First song on the album was another gem by Madonna. Is it possible for her to not make good music? It amazes me how she keeps evolving with the times and still spews out the hits. Her song was so '60s, yet very '90s. Good song.
Another great track is Lenny Kravitz's 'American Woman', a re-make of an older song from the '60s. I was kind of pissed when I found out that this song was just added to his album 5 (which I already own), but I have this one now anyway.
I actually liked Scary Spice's 'Word Up', a remake of the 80's hit by Cameo (I think). I don't like the Spice Girls, but that was a pretty good song.
Green Day fans might be disappointed, because you might fly through the song and then say '...that was Green Day?!?!'. It has no lyrics, it's just some James Bond-esque song.
The only thing I did not like about this album was the lack of original stuff. With the exception of the Madonna song and a few others, it's mostly remakes of older songs. That's okay though, since they were well done. This is a pretty good album, but it's nothing you can't wait to buy through BMG!

Man, I think I wasted my money. The Cardigans are an okay band, and they have some catchy tunes. 'Lovefool' put them on the chart and looked like a 1-hit wonder. Then this album came out and they had a couple of catchy tunes, 'Erase and Rewind' and 'Favorite Game'. This is what intrigued me and I thought I could be on to something. So I bought the album. Those two songs are great, but the rest of the album is sooooo sloooooow! I think I fell asleep at the wheel listening to it!
Although, I bet there are quite a few people who'd like this. Maybe you are a Zone type of person. If you are, maybe you'd like it. See, I'm not. I think this album was a little too 'Zone'-y for me.

 EDITION II - Oleander, Matrix Soundtrack, Everlast, Offspring
EDITION I - Alanis Morrissette, U2, Cake, Lenny Kravitz, Beastie Boys

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