fh_birding image A selection of literature: Falk Hüttmann
(Ph.D., Diplom-Forstwirt univ.)
PostDoc Fellow, Simon Fraser University
SFU Crest

Falk Hüttmann
Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Biology Dept.
8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Tel: 604 291 5618 Fax: 604 291 3496 Email: huettman@sfu.ca

Alerstam, Thomas, 1993, Bird Migration: Cambridge, Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.

Angel, M.V., Biodiversity of the pelagic ocean: Conservation Biology, p. 760-772.

Bateman, R. Natural worlds. Penguin Studio/Madison Press.

Becker, G. S. 1993. Oekenomische Erklaerung menschlichen Verhaltens. Mohr.

Begon, Michael, Mortimer, Martin, and Thompson, David J., 1996, Population Ecology: Berlin, Blackwell Science.

Berthold, P., 1993, Bird Migration, a general survey: Oxford, New York, Tokyo, Oxford University Press.

Brown, R. G. B., 1980, Seabirds as marine animals,Burger, J., Olla, B. J., and Winn, H. E., eds, Behavior of marine animals: New York, Plenum Press, p. 1-38.

Bub, H., 1991, Bird Trapping and Bird banding: A Handbook for Trapping methods all over the World: Cornell University Press.

Bulgakow, M. 1997. Der Meister und Margerita. DTV.

Cachin. F. Gauguin, The Quest for Paradise. Discoveries.

Cairns, D.K., 1992, Bridging the gap between ornithology and fisheries science, use of seabird data in stock assessment models: Condor, v. 94, no. 4, p. 811-824.

Cairns, D.K., and Schneider, D.C., 1990, Hot Spots in cold water: Feeding habitat selection by thick-billed murres: Studies in Avian Biology, v. 14, p. 52-60.

Campbell, Bruce, and Lack, Elizabeth, 1985, A Dictionary of Birds: Calton, T&A Poyser. Collins, C. J. 1999. God, Man and the Devil: the paintings and drawings by Miller Gore Bittain. Canada Trust.

Conquest.R. The Great Terror. Oxford Press.

Croxall, J. P., 1987, Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Diamond, A. W., 1989, Save the Birds: Cambridge, ProNatur/ICBP.

Diamond, J. 1997. Guns, germs and steel.

Dickson, R.R., Meincke, J., and Malmberg, S.-A.L.A.J., 1988, The 'Great Salinity Anomaly' in the northern Northa Atlantic 1968-1992: Progress in Oceanography, v. 20, p. 103-151.

Evans, P. G. H., and Nettleship, D. N., 1985, Conservation of the Atlantic Alcidae, The Atlantic Alcidae: London, Academic Press, p. 427-88.

Freeland, C. 2000. Sale of the century. Doubleday.

Gaetke, Heinrich, 1901, Die Vogelwarte Helgoland: Helgoland.

Gaston A., and I. Jones. 1998. The Auks.Oxford Press.

Hannon, Bruce, and Ruth, Matthias, 1994, Dynamic Modeling: New York,Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

Harris, M. 1998. Lament for an ocean. McClelland and Stewart.

Heinrich. B. 1989. Ravens in winter. Vintage books.

Jax, K., and Zauke, G.-P., 1992, Masstaebe in der Oekologie - ein vernachlaessigter Konzeptbereich: Verh.Ges.Okologie, v. 21, p. 23-30.

Jonsson, L. 1992. Die Voegel Europas und des Mittelmeerraumes. Kosmos Naturfuehrer.

Joseph, A.M. 1994. 500 Nations: an Illustrated History of North American Indians. Knopf.

Kitezh. 1994. Three Centuries of Russian Paintings. Kitezh Art Publishers.

Krakauer, J. 1997. Into thin air. Villard.

Lack, D., 1954, The Natural Regulation of Animal Numbers: London, Oxford Univ.Press.

Leopold, A., 1933, Game Management: New York, Charles Scribners.

Levin, S.A., 1991, The problem of pattern and scale in ecology: Ecology, v. 73, p. 1943-1967.

Levinton, J. S. (1982). Marine Ecology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall inc.

Lock, A. R., Brown, R. G. B., and Gerriets.S.H., 1994, Gazetteer of Marine Birds in Atlantic Canada: CWS.

MacArthur, R. H., and Wilson, E. O., 1967, The Theory of Island Biogeography: Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Mann, K. H., and Lazier, J. R. N., 1991, Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Matthiesen, P. 1984. Indian country. Penguin books.

McCarthy, E. and M. Ewing-Mulligan. 1995. Wine for Dummies. IDG Books.

Nettleship, D.N., 1991, Seabird Management and Future Research: Colonial Waterbirds, v. 14, no. 2, p. 77-84.

Nettleship, David N., Evans, Peter, and G.H., 1985, Distribution and Status of the Atlantic AlcidaeNettleship, D. N., and Birkhead, T. R., eds., The Atlantic Alcidae: Orlando, Academic Press, p. 574.

Nigge, K. 1997. Kamtschatka, Adler, Baeren und Vulkane. Tecklenborg Verlag.

Noack. P. 1998. Ernst Juenger, eine Biographie. Fest Verlag.

Pielou, E. C., 1977, Mathematical ecology: New York, Wiley-Interscience.

Pimm, S. L., 1982, Food webs: New York, USA, Chapman and Hall, New York.

Quammen, D. 1997. The song of the dodo. Simon and Schuster.

Rice, J., 1992, Multispecies Interactions in Marine Ecosystems, McCullough, D. R., and Barrett, R. H., eds., Wildlife 2001:Populations, Seabird Populations Special Session 4, p. 523-632.

Ricklefs, Robert E., 1980, Ecology: Sunbury-on-Thames, Nelson and Sons Ltd.

Riefenstahl, L. 1991. Die Nuba von Kau. Ullstein.

Rochfort, D. Mexican Muralists. Chronicle Books.

Safina. C. 1998. Song for the blue ocean. Holt and Company.

Schneider, David C., 1994, Quantitative Ecology, Spatial and Temporal Scaling: Academic Press.

Shadbolt, D. 1979. The art of Emily Carr. Douglas McIntyre.

Shaw, D.M., and Atkinson, S.F., 1990, An introduction to the use of geographic information systems for ornithological research: Condor, v. 92, p. 564-570.

Solzhenitsyn, A. 1992. The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956. Volumes 1-3. Westview Press.

Solschenitzyn, A. 1995. Matrjonas Hof. Reclam.

Sommer, V. 1996. Heilge Egoisten; die Soziobiologie indischer Tempelaffen. Beck Verlag.

Sournes H. 1997. Charles Bukowski: Locked in the arms of a crazy life.

Tompkins, P. 1994. The monkey in art. Train/Scala books.

Vauk, Gottfried, 1977, Geschichte der Vogelwarte Helgoland: Otterndorf, Niederelbe-Druck.

Ward, P., and Zahavi, A., 1973, The importance of certain assemblages of birds as 'information centres' for food-finding: Ibis, v. 115, p. 517-534.

Wiens, J.A., 1989, Spatial scaling in ecology: Functional Ecology, v. 3, p. 285-397.

Wilson, E. O., 1988, Biodiversity: Washington, National Academy Press.

© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Falk Hüttmann
Last updated: February 28th 2001 by Falk Hüttmann
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