fh_birding image Short CV : Falk Hüttmann
(Ph.D., Diplom-Forstwirt univ.)
PostDoc Fellow, Simon Fraser University
SFU Crest

Falk Hüttmann
Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Biology Dept.
8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Tel: 604 291 5618 Fax: 604 291 3496 Email: huettman@sfu.ca


January 2000 and ongoing Start of a PostDoc as a Scientific Project Coordinator with Fred Cooke at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat and GIS studies.

Recipient of the Ralph Brown Award, Royal Society of British Geographers, for two research expeditions in 2000 to Russian Far East investigating shorebird migration on Sakhalin Island (April) and Kamchatka and Magadan (August).

Involved in study design, fieldwork and GIS modelling for Desolation Sound, Clayoquot Sound and whole coast of British Columbia

Co-founder of the Marbled Murrelet listserver

Supervising students

Producing scientific papers and presentations to various scientific, governmental and funding agencies


May 1999 - December 1999 Participating at the Delaware Bay international waderbanding expedition using Cannon-Nets with Dr. Clive Minton and Wader Study Group, US Fish & Game Delaware and New Jersey.

Contract work for CAPP (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers) on ‘Oil-Seabirds off Newfoundland and on the Scotian Shelf: Recommendations on Flaring Issues and Seabird Counting Protocols’, together with Tony Diamond and Bill Montevecchi from Memorial University Newfoundland, St. John’s.

Consultancy work for LGL Ltd./Toronto on the PIROP Data Base.

Expedition to Kamchatka and Magadan, Sea of Okhotsk region, Sibiria to investigate research potential, in collaboration with Wetlands International - Oceania (Australia, D.Watkins), Institute for Problems of the North/Magadan (Dr. A. Andreev) and Kamchatka Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute (Dr. Y. Gerasimov)


January 1999 - April 1999 Writing PhD thesis papers.


September 1997 - December 1998 PhD Thesis work, preparing and submitting thesis papers as a German DAAD Scholar.

Ecological Field Camp in Caparo/Venezuela with University of the Andes (ULA), Cleveland State University (CSU) and Cleveland Metropolis Zoo/Ohio. Studying about primates and birds, presentations and lectures.

TA-work for a Tropical Ecology Course: GIS-Mapping, Darting, Primates and Birds in Ometepe/ Nicaragua for the La Suerte Fieldstation, Dr.L. Winkler, A. Molina, Dr. P. Garber


July 1996 - August 1997 Teaching Assistant (TA) for the Forest Policy Course for the Chair in Sustainable Development, Dr. S. Thompson.

Research award for the EMAN conference in Saskatoon/Canada about ‘Birds at Sea: Linking long-term monitoring data for seabirds with oceanographic data.’.

German Research Scholarship from the DAAD (German Governmental Scholarship Agency)

Travel to Cuba: Searching for new wintering grounds of the Bicknell’s Thrush (Cathartes bicknelli).

Selected participant for the Study Course of the European Union about ‘Goals and Instruments for the Achievement of Global Warming Mitigation in Europe’ in Berlin/Germany.

Chairman for the GIS Workshop at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) at Trent University in Peterborough, Ont.

Research Grant from Sir James Dunn Wildlife Research Centre.

Participation in the BirdLife International Workshop about Locating IBAs (Important Bird Areas) in Atlantic Canada, organized by Bird Studies Canada


June 1996 Contract ‘Forest policy Course on the Internet’ for the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at UNB using Netscape and htlm-code, Dr S.Thompson.


August 1995 - June 1996 TA (Teaching Assistant) for Botany at the UNB Biology Department, Prof.Riding.

Fraser Award of the University of New Brunswick.

Co-founder of the CorelDraw Workshop at UNB, Presentation: ‘Corel Draw Introduction’,

Contract ‘Software Evaluation and Data Handling’ for Bedford Institute for Oceanography (BIO) in Dartmouth/Halifax Environment Canada, Dr.Tony Lock.

Seabird transects off Grand Manan in cooperation with the Right Whale Research Crew from the New England Aquarium in Boston/USA, Dr.M.Brown.


May 1995 Start of a PhD at the University of New Brunswick, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network (ACWERN), Prof. A.W.Diamond, in Fredericton/Canada titled"Environmental Determination of Seabird distribution off Eastern and Arctic Canada".

Tourist Guide for STUDIOSUS travel agency in Western Canada


November 1994 - March 1995 Contract as a freelance author for the Fieldsport Association of the European Union (FACE) in Brussel/Belgium for the "Handbook of Hunting in Europe".


July - August 1994 Project at Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (veterinarian school of Hannover), Institut fü r Wildtierforschung (Institut for Wildlife Research), titled "Use of object recognizing software for artificial intelligence, using roe deer, fox, dog and black grouse"


March - June 1994 Studytrips to Africa and Russia


December 1993 - Februar 1994 Scholar of the Robert Schuman Foundation from the European Parliament in Luxemburg, General Directorate for Research, Division for Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Rural Development
Doing a study/research work for the Vice-President of the Fishery Committee on "The Use of Static Gear in the European Union"


October - November 1993 Two months contract as a freelancer for a software firm in Celle/Germany; Programming with Microsoft C


September 1993 First work as a freelance journalist for magazines and journals


June 1993 Assistant, tourist and museum guide on whale safaris, for seabirds, sea bird ecology, marinebiology and islandgeology on the Lofots in Andenes/Andoya in northern Norway guidings on English, French and German


April - May 1993 Programming of a database and an input mask for the Vogelwarte Helgoland for observation data with database software PARADOX 4.0


1993 7 th - 8 th semester student of Forestry Research at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University München/Freising-Weihenstephan (=Munich/Germany) 1.Staatsexamen Diplom-Forstwirt univ. (Graduation from University)


1992 5 th - 6 th semester Student of Forestry Research at the Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
Diploma-Thesis at the Norwegian Institute of Forestry Research in As/Norwegen titled "Terrestrial use of a video camera and digitized videopictures in Forestry"


1991 Vordiplom (=Intermediate Diploma) of Forestry Research from the Georg August University Göttingen


1989 - 1991 1 st - 4 th semester studies of Forestry Research in Göttingen/Germany


1988 Student of Forestry Research at the Georg-August-University Göttingen First semester practical course at the Forstamt Rosengarten near Hamburg


1987 - 1988 15 months military service at the artillery corps 1./335 at the military base Dedelstorf
Afterwards: Accepted as a conscientous objector


1987 Abitur (=Final examination)


1979 7 th -13 th Class Secondary School/High School Gymnasium Hankensbättel


1978 5 th - 6 th Class "Orientierungsstufe" in Wittingen; 5 th and 6 th years at German Secondary Schools


1974 1st - 4 th Class Elementary School in Wittingen


03.07.1967 Born in Wittingen/Germany


Updated version: February 2001

Detailed version available in English, French and German

© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Falk Hüttmann
Last updated: February 28th 2001 by Falk Hüttmann
URL: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/5377/webfhcv.html