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Publications: Falk Hüttmann (Ph.D., Diplom-Forstwirt univ.) PostDoc Fellow, Simon Fraser University | ![]() |
Falk Hüttmann
Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Biology Dept.
8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Tel: 604 291 5618 Fax: 604 291 3496
Email: huettman@sfu.ca
2000 Ralph Brown Expedition Award (shared) of the Royal Society of British Geographers
1999 Invited Participant for the 4th National Microcomputer Applications in Fish and Wildlife
Conference for my PhD research (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Organization of Fish and
Wildlife Information Managers; American Fisheries Society Computer user Section; The
Wildlife Society’s Information System and Remote Sensing Workgroup)
1999 Wilson Ornithological Society Travel Award.
1998 NASA-MSU Career Enhancement Award at the IALE (International Association for
Landscape Ecology) 98 Conference in East Lansing/USA.
1997 Post Graduate Research Scholarship from Deutscher Akademischen Austauschdienstes
(DAAD), Bonn/Germany (German Government Scholarship).
1997 Lady Dunn Award for Wildlife Research, Fredericton/Canada.
1996 EMAN (Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network)/Canada (Federal Government)
1996 FRASER Graduate Student Award, University of New Brunswick/Canada.
1995 Wildlife Biology Research Award from the St.Hubertus Orden/Germany.
1993 Robert Schuman Scholarship of the European Parliament/Luxemburg.
1999 TV CBC: Guided Tour in Audubon Wildlife Art Exibition at Beaverbrook Art Gallery
1992-2000 Variety of journal articles on wildlife issues.
PAPERS: ( * peer reviewed, bold = scientific and thesis papers, s software, not bold = general
Huettmann F. and Diamond A.W. (in press). Seabird colony locations and environmentaldetermination of seabird distribution: A spatially explicit seabird breeding model in
the Northwest Atlantic. Also as a paper for the 3.Annual Meeting of the Society of
Canadian Ornithologists in Vancouver 98. Ecological Modelling. (PhD Thesis chapter).
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (in press) Using PCA Scores to classify speciescommunities: an example using seabird classifications at sea. Journal for Applied
Statistics. (part of PhD Thesis chapter).
Huettmann, F. (in press). Summary of studies investigating migration of shorebirds in theSea of Okhotsk: May 2000 on southern Sakhalin Island, and August 2000 on western Kamchatka
and Magadan region. The Stilt.
(in press). The necessity to monitor the impacts of offshore oil platforms on
seabirds. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Huettmann, F. (2000) Environmental Determination of Seabird Distribution. PhD ThesisUniversity of New Brunswick, Fredericton New Brunswick. Canada. 430 pages.
Huettmann, F. (2000) Seabirds in the Marine Wilderness of the western NorthAtlantic.Sixth World Wilderness Congress Proceedings, Bangalore/India, Vol. II, Proc.
RMRS-P-000. Ogden, UT:US: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Research Station.
Huettmann, F. (2000). Making use of public large-scale environmental databases from theWWW and a GIS for georeferenced prediction modelling: A research application
using Generalized Linear Models, Classification and Regression Trees and Neural
Networks. In: Tochtermann, K. and Riekert W.-F. (Eds.) "Hypermedia im
Umweltschutz" Proceedings of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and
Forschungsinstitut für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW) Ulm. Umwelt-
Informatik aktuell; Bd.24, Metropolis Verlag/Marburg. pp. 308-312.
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (2000). Seabird migration in the Canadian NorthAtlantic: moulting locations and movement patterns of immatures. Canadian Journal
of Zoology 33: 1-25.
Huettmann, F., K. MacIntosh, C. Stevens, T. Dean and A.W. Diamond. (2000). A mid-winter observation of a large population of Bonaparte’s Gulls in the Head Harbour
Passage, Passamaquoddy Bay. Canadian Field-Naturalist 12: 166 - 169.
Wiese, F.K., W.A. Montevecchi, G. Davoren, F. Huettmann, A.W. Diamond and J. Linke.(2000). Abstract: The necessity to monitor the impacts of offshore oil platforms on
seabirds. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23331, p. 13.
Huettmann, F. (1999). "Sea of Okhotsk Study": A first summary from a Pilot Project in the
Sea of Okhotsk region to investigate wader migration in the fall. The Tattler.
Australasian Wader Studies Group. No 21 October 1999.
Huettmann, F. (1999).Discovery of a large proportion of wintering North AmericanRazorbills Alca torda in the lower Bay of Fundy, Canada. Bird Conservation
International 9: 96.
Huettmann, F. (1999) Book review: "Oilspills" by J. Burger for 'Die Vogelwarte':40:151.
Huettmann, F. (1999) Book review: "The Auks" by A. Gaston & I. Jones for 'Die
Huettmann, F. and J. Bowman. (eds.) (1999). Investigation of Animal Movement. WorkshopProceedings, 12 - 14 November 1998 Fredericton. Supported by the Sir James
Dunn Wildlife Research Centre, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research
Network, Biology Dept. of the University of New Brunswick.
Huettmann, F. (1999). Seabird Movements: Stepping Stones, Modelling with a GeographicInformation System (GIS) Long-distance Migration and the Seascape. In:
Huettmann, F., Bowman, F. (1999). Investigation of Animal Movement. Workshop
Proceedings, 12 - 14 November 1998 Fredericton. Supported by the Sir James
Dunn Wildlife Research Centre, Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research
Network, Biology Dept. of the University of New Brunswick.
Huettmann, F. (1999) Book review: "Lament for an Ocean" by M. Harris for the Canadian
Field-Naturalist. Vol. 113 (2): 370
Huettmann, F. (1999). Abstract: Interactions between mantled howling monkeys (Alouattapalliata) and neotropical birds in a fragmented forest habitat on Ometepe Island,
Nicaragua. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Supplement 28 to the
American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting Issue, p. 156.
Huettmann, F. (1999) Book review: Concept and Colour Plates of "The Auks" by Gaston &
Jones for "Birding Journal". Vol. 7 (6), p. 304
Huettmann, F. (1998). Internationales Fliegen einmal anders. THESE Zeitschrift des
Doktoranden Netzwerkes 32, pp. 10-16. (Some thoughts and experiences concerning
international air traffic)
Huettmann, F. (1998). An Ecological GIS Research Application for the Northern Atlantic-The PIROP Database Software, Environmental Data Sets and the Role of the
Internet/WWW. In: Riekert W.-F. and Tochtermann K. (Eds.) "Hypermedia im
Umweltschutz" Proceedings of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and
Forschungsinstitut für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW) Ulm. Umwelt-
Informatik aktuell; Bd.17, Metropolis Verlag/Marburg. pp. 213-217.
Huettmann, F. (1998) Tricks und Tücken internationaler Konferenzen. THESE Zeitschrift des
Doktoranden Netzwerkes (Do’s and Don’ts when visiting and giving papers on
international conferences). These (Zeitschrift des Doktorandennetzwerks Thesis e.V.),
33: 17-21.
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond. (1998). Seabird Surveys and Selected Environmental
Data Sets in the Bay of Fundy: Findings and Conclusions from Monthly Ferry
Transects St. John - Digby - St. John. Proceedings of EMAN 97 Conference Bay of
Fundy, November 97, St.Andrews/New Brunswick.
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond. (1998). Characterizing, Modeling and Predicting
Locations of Seabird Colonies in the Davis Strait: Using the PIROP database, GIS
and Environmental Data to Evaluate the Suitability of Marine Breeding Habitats
for Arctic Seabirds. Shaw R.W., Danks, M. M. E., Miller, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of
Environmental Prediction Workshop, 17-19 February 1998, Environment Canada,
Halifax, pp. 86-94.
Huettmann, F. and A.R. Lock. (1997). A new software system for the PIROP database;data flow and an approach for the seabird-depth analysis. ICES Journal for Marine Science, 54: 518-523.
Huettmann, F. (1997). Birds at Sea: Linking long-term monitoring data for seabirds with
oceanographic data. Proceedings: The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network
Report on the Third National Science Meeting, January 21-25, 1997, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan/Canada, p. 54- 57.EMAN website:http://www.cciw.ca/eman-temp/reports/
Huettmann, F. (1997). "Forest Policy Course on the Internet". http://www.unb.ca/web/enviro/4005/5sched.htm, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at UNB using
Netscape and htlm-code, Prof. Dr S.Thompson and Dr. R.Wilson (updated 1997/98/99).
FACE (1996). Handbook of Hunting in Europe. (Before I started my PhD in Canada I was
involved in the production of this book as a freelance author at FACE/Brussels with a
6 months contract. This book now is published in 5 languages), 2 Volumes, 280 p.
Huettmann, F. (1996). Die Vogelwarte Rositten, ein historischer Ort der Vogelzugforschung
mit internationaler Einbindung. Written summary for the Rominten Seminar:"Nature
Conservation and Hunting in earlier and today’s Ostpreußen", supported by the German
Ministry of Interior in Bonn, 7 pp.
Hüttmann, F. (1996). Data Entry Mask and Database Software for the Birding Logbook of theOrnithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (OAG) Helgoland/Germany using Visual Fox Pro.
Hüttmann, F. (1996). Recognizing animal species with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Softwareon digitized video pictures; an application using roe deer and red fox. in:
Proceedings of the XXII IUGB Congress, N.Botev, S.Golovatch, L.Penev (eds.),
International Union of Game Biologists, August 1995, Sofia,Bulgaria, pp. 129-138
Hüttmann, F. (1995). Nutzen oder Schützen. Jagen WeltWeit 10/95:81-84 (Facts and and
Overview about Puffin Hunting in the North Atlantic).
Hüttmann, F. (1994). Krokodile hinter Gittern. Jagen WeltWeit 5/94:84-86 (A report about
sustainable Game Ranching of Crocodiles in South Africa)
Hüttmann, F. (1994). Static Gear used in Fisheries in the European Union. A Report for the
Directorate General for Research, Division for Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Rural
Development of the European Parliament, Luxemburg, 21 pp.
Hüttmann, F. (1994). Data Entry Mask and Database Software for the Birding Logbook of theVogelwarte Helgoland Bird Research Station/Germany using PARADOX.
Hüttmann, F. (1993). Use of a video camera and digitized video pictures in wildlife biology.in: Proceedings of the XXI IUGB Congress,I.Thompson (ed.), International Union of
Game Biologists, August 1993, Halifax N.S., Canada, pp.187-191.
Hüttmann, F. (1993). Der Kahlschlag und die Eule. Jagen WeltWeit 5/93:80-84 (On overview
about the Spotted Owl Conflict in West USA/Kanada)
Huettmann, F. (2000). "Selected issues from the Marbled Murrelet GIS field study". Canadian
Wildlife Servive Seminar Series. Delta B.C.
Huettmann, F. (2000). "Spatial considerations when applying GIS in Ornithology"
St. Petersburg University/Russia, April 27 2000.
Huettmann, F. (2000). "GIS studies in bird research" Les Ecologists Seminar, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, April 20 2000.
Huettmann, F. (2000). "DISTANCE Sampling, an overview". Conservation Seminar, University
of British Columbia, April 5 2000.
Huettmann, F. (2000). "DISTANCE Sampling Workshop" Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, March 23 - 24 2000.
Huettmann, F. (2000). "Overview: Getting Accurate Population Estimates using DISTANCE sampling".
Conservation Seminar of the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, April 6
Huettmann, F. (2000). "DISTANCE Sampling Workshop" University of New Brunswick,
November 10-11 2000.
Huettmann, F. (1999). "GIS-Modelling techniques of Environmental Data for the Northwest
Atlantic" for SEA-CREST, California State University, Los Angeles
Huettmann, F. (1999). "Multivariate Statistics and a Geographic Information System (GIS)".
Kolloquium, Applied Informatics, Humboldt University Berlin/Germany, Prof. Guenther.
Huettmann, F. (1999). "Forestry in Germany: An Overview" for the Forestry Lecture 4005,
International Forestry Issues at the University of New Brunswick.
Huettmann, F. (1999). "An Update on the New Findings of Wintering Razorbills (Alca
torda)". for the Petite Manan Wildlife Refuge Managers Meeting, Audubon Center,
in Falmouth/ME-USA.
Huettmann, F. (1999). "Overview about The Bay of Fundy and its bird life through the seasons"
based on my PhD research and field work for the New Brunswick Naturalist Club in
Hüttmann, F. (1998). Co-Organizer and Chairman of the Workshop "Investigation of Animal
Movements". Oral paper on "Seabird movements: stepping stones, modelling with a
geographic information system (GIS), long-distance migration and the seascape" (held
also in St.John’s Newfoundland)
Hüttmann, F. (1998). "Spatial distribution of three new world primate species in a tropical
seasonal dry forest in Caparo/Venezuela: Conservation, forestry and scientific
approaches".Talk given during the Advanced Primatology Course at the Biological
Station in Ometepe/Nicaragua.
Hüttmann, F. (1998). "Animals in Art:Human Perceptions and Display of Monkeys and
Horses", invited speaker at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton.
Hüttmann, F. (1998). Chairman of the Population Ecology Session of the Northeast Graduate
Student Wildlife Conference, Fredericton.
Hüttmann, F. (1997)." Neotropical Bird Migration: An Overview". Talk for the Tropical
Ecology Course at the Caparo Research Station in Venezuela with Cleveland State
University, Cleveland Metropolis Zoo/Ohio and University of the Andes.
Hüttmann, F. (1997). Organizer and Chairman of the GIS Workshop at the Annual Meeting of
the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) in Peterborough/Toronto, introduction talk
about "Selected issues for the successful application of a Geographic Information
Systems in Ornithology: Some considerations for working with georeferenced data".
Hüttmann, F. (1997). "History and overview about bird banding as a tool in Nature
Conservation in Germany", invited speaker for the Russian Department at the University
of New Brunswick/Canada.
Hüttmann, F. (1997). "Birds at Sea: Linking long-term monitoring data for seabirds with
oceanographic data". Oral paper at the EMAN Conference in Saskatoon/Canada January
21-24, 1997.
Hüttmann, F. (1996). "Geografische Informations Systeme in der Ornithologie: Eine Übersicht",
invited speaker at the Colloquium of the Institut für Vogelforschung Wilhelmshaven/
Hüttmann, F. (1996). "Die Vogelwarte Rositten, ein historischer Ort der Vogelzugforschung mit
internationalerEinbindung", invited speaker at the Rominten Seminars: "Nature
Conservation and Hunting in earlier and today’s Ostpreußen", supported bu the German
Ministry of Interior in Bonn/Germany.
Hüttmann, F. (1996). "African Art, an overview", invited speaker at the Beaverbrook Art
Gallery, Fredericton.
Hüttmann, F. (1996). "French Guinea: a case study about history and policy in West Africa",
invited speaker at the Geology Department at the University of New Brunswick/Canada.
Hüttmann, F. (1995). "Oceanography and Seabirds" a MultiMedia talk at the University of New
Brunswick using Corel Move.
Hüttmann, F (1995). "Die EU und der Tropenwaldbericht", invited speaker at University of
Freiburg/Germany in the lecture of the Forest Policy Seminar on the Tropical Policy
Report of the European Union/Luxemburg.
Hüttmann, F (1995). "Ausgewählte Aspekte des Regenwaldes in Westafrika", invited speaker
in Würzburg/Germany on selected aspects of the Rainforest in Western Africa.
Hüttmann, F. (1993). "Der Fleckenkauz-Konflikt in Nordamerika"; slide presentation at the
University of Munich/Germany on the Northern Spotted Owl Conflict.
Hüttmann, F. (1993). "Einsatz einer Videokamera, digitalisierter Videobilder und Geografischer
Informationssysteme in der Ornithologie", invited speaker at the Colloquium of Vogel-
warte Helgoland/Germany on using a digitized videocamera, videoimages and GIS in
Kaiser G. and F. Huettmann (in review). Evolution of flight in birds. Evolutionary Ecology.
Huettmann F. and A.W. Diamond (in review). Characterizing the marine Environment in the
Canadian North Atlantic using GIS, multivariate statistics and environmental large scale
data bases. Canadian Journal for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. (PhD Thesis chapter).
Huettmann, F., K. MacIntosh,A.W. Diamond and B. Dalzell (in review). Dynamics of
waterbirds in the Grand Manan region of the lower Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick:
Results of Winter Seabird Surveys in 1997-98. Canadian Field-Naturalist.
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (in review). Seabirds in winter: towards a spatial explicit
seabird distribution model in the Northwest Atlantic. Atlantic Seabirds (PhD Thesis
Yen, P. and F. Huettmann (submitted). Modelling abundance and distribution of Marbled
Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) using GIS, marine data and advanced
multivariate statistics. Ecological Modelling.
Tranquilla, L., F. Huettmann, C. Lougheed, G. Kaiser and N. Parker (submitted). Sightings
of vagrant auks in Desolation Sound, 1997-2000. Canadian Field-Naturalist.
Huettmann, F., A.W. Diamond, D. Nettleship, B. Dalzell and K. MacKintosh (to be submitted). Winter
distribution and ecology of Razorbills Alca torda and other auks in the lower Bay of
Fundy, New Brunswick. Journal for Field Ornithology
Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (to be submitted) Sooty Shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) off Eastern
Canada: Spatial and temporal patterns of pelagic abundance, 1966-1992, for a long-
distance migrant from unknown origin. Atlantic Seabirds
Huettmann F. and A.W. Diamond (to be re-submitted). Seabirds and Ecological Scale Questions for the
North Atlantic. Also as a paper for the yearly ACWERN Meeting in St. John’s
Newfoundland 1998. Landscape Ecology. (PhD Thesis chapter).