When I first started rendering with Povray, I needed many basic geometry and trig formulas to create the shapes I wanted. Since my old textbooks had been pitched long ago, I turned to the Web to find such formulas. Surprisingly, they weren't to be found. So in an attempt to add some useful information to a home page otherwise full of the same old crap, I am creating "THE MATH PAGE". This page will list many formulas from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc. I may even throw in some cheesy renderings of common shapes so people don't keel over from "toxic boredom syndrome" on first sight. I'll try to provide links to other fantastic pages of various subjects which I'm sure you'll find extremely exciting since the likelihood that your interests parallel mine are about 1 in 10,000.
This wonderful page is, of course, currently under construction and will be available for your viewing pleasure "Real Soon Now" (Early 1999, by my estimates), so be sure to make several bookmarks and check back at least 8 times per day.
You are invited to email the author with absolutely any opinion you have of this page, and you may even use four-letter words if you wish. Feel free to supply constructive information as well, such as cool links, exciting math formulas, positive feed-back, information about relative newsgroups, whatever.
Special thanks go to my good friend Sterling Price for teaching me the art of web-authoring. You can visit his home page here.
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Last updated 11/23/97.
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