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My bachelor degree theses --- Stereo Video Digitizer

A simple digital semaphore decoder using DSP processor,
Bakar, S.A.R.A.; Salleh, S.H.S.; Sha'ameri, A.Z.; Wei, L.C. IEEE TENCON 2000. Proceedings , Volume: 2 , 2000 Page(s): 246 -249 vol.3
(Aiya, my name should not be Wei, L.C, should be C. W. Leow instead....)


Design and modeling of a 2X2 MEMS optical switch based on electrostatic actuation, C. W. Leow, Mohammad A. B. , N. M. Kassim , 2001 IEEE National Symposium On Microelectronics PP. 102-106, Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

A 2X2 MEMS optical switch design for all optical network, C. W. Leow, Mohammad A. B. , N. M. Kassim , Malaysian Science and Technology Congress (MSTC) 2001 Symposium C, Penang, Malaysia.


Analytical Modeling for Determination of Pull-in Voltage for Electrostatic Actuated MEMS Cantilever Beam. C. W. Leow, Mohammad A. B. , N. M. Kassim 2002 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE 2002), Penang, Malaysia. 19-21 December 2002.

Modeling of Electrostatic Actuated MEMS Cantilever Beam For Application As Optical Switch, C.W. Leow, MEng Thesis, UTM. (My MEng thesis)


Chip On Board Packaging For Surface Micromachined MEMS Die, C. W. Leow, Mohammad A. B. , N. M. Kassim , UTM Research Seminar RMK 7 and RMK 8, Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 7 May 2003

Chip On Board Packaging for MUMPS Die, C.W. Leow, Mohammad A. B. , N. M. Kassim, 2003 IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics (NSM 2003), 9-10 Sept. Kangar, Perlis. 76-79


MEMS On/off and 1x2 Optical Switch with Integrated Fiber Alignment Capability , 2004 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE 2002), Mines Resort, Malaysia. 7-9 December 2004. 171



A MEMS Optical Switch with Integrated Self-Assembled Fiber Alignment Microstructure, C.W. Leow, Mohammad A.B., COMET 2006 ,14-15 January 2006

Leow Cheah Wei, Abu Bakar Mohammad, “A Surface Micromachined Self-Assembled Fiber Alignment Microstructure”, 2006 International Conf. on MEMS and Nanotechnology (ICMN), PWTC, Malaysia. 33-38

Leow Cheah Wei, Abu Bakar Mohammad, “MEMS Optical Switch Based on Fiber Displacement”, 2006 International Conf. on MEMS and Nanotechnology (ICMN), PWTC, Malaysia. 217-222

Malaysian patents
1. Surface Micromachined Fiber Alignment Micro-Structure with Slanting Controllability (PI 2003 2886)
2. Surface Micromachined Fiber Alignment Micro-Structure with Height Controllability (PI 2004 4216))
3. Surface Micromachined Fiber Alignment Micro-Structure (PI 2004 4215)


"I am as happy as i want to be "


Copyright © 2001 - Cheah Wei - Updated 8 Dec 2003