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Protest against the Tiananmen massacre

Other Links of Interest

Disclaimer: These sites contain information that may be of interest to human rights workers. Please bear in mind that the information at these sites is not controlled by Amnesty International. Links to these sites does not in any way imply Amnesty International supports either the organizations listed, or views presented.

Amnesty International homepages

Amnesty International national sections and local groups with Web pages on the Internet.

Other sites of interest

Anti-War/Weapons web sites
Peace Brigades International (English, Spanish, German, Dutch & Swedish)
Abolition 2000 Tahiti. Global network to eliminate nuclear weapons

Awareness Groups/Campaigns
Artists Against Racism Women's International Center
Internment of Ukrainians in Canada 1914-1920
Youth In Action Network
The Anti Racism Web NL (Dutch & English)

Civil Liberties websites
American Civil Liberties Union's Freedom Network
Reporters sans frontieres(French)

Cultural web pages
Pinoy Tok (Filipino Talk)
Baraka: Palestinian NGO Network

Death Penalty websites
Death penalty information, resources and action from JusticeNet
Bruderhof's "Death Penalty: The Ultimate Revenge"
Death Penalty Focus, California, USA
Andrew Lee Jones Fund, assisting lawyers for justice on death row
Abolition Now: death penalty resource pages
Links towards abolition
Cornell Law School: Legal Information Institute
American Society of Criminology
Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
A call for a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois
Executions in the USA in 1997
Death penalty - QUIZ!
Death penalty Information Center
PEACENET's Prison Information Desk - The Death Penalty
Angel on Death Row - Frontline episode on the death penalty
Ohio University - Death Penalty Page
Court TV Law Center - focus on death penalty

Minnesota Adocates for Human Rights - The Death Penalty Project
The Case Against the Death penalty
Death Penalty News & Updates

Death Penalty Focus of California
Links Toward Abolition

A Call for a Death Penalty Moratorium in Illinois
A Declaration of Life

The Death Row Page (with US prisoner list)
More Death Penalty Links
Prisoners on death row support pages

Environmental Protection Web Sites
Rainforest Action Network
"Screen-Peas" Internet-Magazine (German)

Governmental and Intergovernmental Web Sites
United Nations
Index site to all UN websites (English & French)
European court of human rights

Human Rights in specific countries
Colombia Support Network

Human Rights sites - General
Human Rights research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa (English & French)
Human Rights Gopher
Human Rights in Argentina (English and Spanish)
Human Rights Web
Rights and Wrongs TV programme (US)
The Science and Human Rights Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
University of Nottingham Student Human Rights Law Centre
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
North America Project site on Democracy and Human Rights in the Americas
The Carter Center, Human Rights Program
The Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights and Social Change
U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Focus: HOPE Civil and human rights organization
International Law and Human Rights at Universiteit Maastricht
Systematic Study of Human Rights web page
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (English, French & Spanish)
Magnus Hirschfeld Centre for Human Rights (Emphasis on the rights of sexual minority communities)
America's Charities: Civil and Human Rights Charities
Human Rights Internet

News web sites
Kurdish Satellite Television

Political and Legal reform web sites
Closing the Circle
Reinventing America
Political Action resources

Prisoner support websites
Inside-Outside: Pen Pals for Prisoners (USA)
Stop Prisoner Rape

Refugee web sites
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet
Amnesty International Refugee Campaign

Social Justice sites
Social Justice E-Zine

Umbrella Sites
One World Online

Victim Support websites
The Dying Rooms Trust "Infanticide in China"
Fair trials abroad
War Child
Alexandr Nikitin [UA 33/95 February 1996]
Jennifer Harbury / Efrain Bamaca support page
Koigi wa Wamwere support page
Lori Berenson support page
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Prisoners on death row

Arthur Lee Williams Support page (Italian & English)
Mumia Abu Jamal support page


Copyright 1997 Amnesty International Kent State University