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HIstory of Namsan

The historic background of the NAMSAN

After revolution, it was difficult for Lee SungGey, who used to take a revolution, to rule the city of GyeSung which had been the Capital city in Korye. If somebody make a new revolution, it was common knowledge in that time that he must move the capital city to new city. However, it was impossible to move to new city far from the city of GyeSung, therefore, they were trying to find new city, which were supposed to be suit for Capital according to environment of residence, the condition of weather and the theory of PyungSu , near by Gyesung. For example, there must be a moutain and river in prospect Capital city like SongArk Mt. and YeSung river in the city of GyeSung. Finally, they found the city of Hanyang which was suitable for the New city of Capital. There were palaces near by Jong-Ro and NamSan became the mountain for the Capital city as the mountain in South of the city of Seoul.

BongHwaDae in Namsan (Above picture)

Namsan in Chosun-dynasty had been a important role to transfer national accidents or various news to people. Therefore, It was a very important role in Korean. Now, Namsan has a top of broadcast whose role is similar to BongHwaDae, it means that Namsan is also core to transfer information to people just like old time.

Namsan in ancient novel

According to HeoSeangJun written by Park Ji-Won who used to be a novelist and theorist of practice, there was the main character, Heo seang, who liked to read books. However, his wife did't like that he always read books without work. She asked him to get money to keep household every day, finally he got out his house and became rich man. He gathered thieves in country and brought them to new island he had found, and then he help them to be a independent and reasonable household in order to save country which had been suffering from thieves. In novel, HeoSeang lived in Namsan, it meant that Namsan's sprit caused a man to be hope and reasonable, namely Heoseang stands for Namsan's spirit.
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