- William Sealy Gosset (13.6.1876 - 16.10.1937)
birth-and-death process is suffering from labor pains; it
will be the death of me yet. (Student Sayings)
Monte Carlo method provides approximate solutions to a variety
of mathematical problems by performing statistical sampling
experiments on a computer. The method applies to problems
with no probabilistic content as well as to those with inherent
probabilistic structure. Among all numerical methods that
rely on N-point evaluations in M-dimensional space to produce
an approximate solution, the Monte Carlo method has absolute
error of estimate that decreases as N superscript -1/2 whereas,
in the absence of exploitable special structure all others
have errors that decrease as N superscript -1/M at best.
of Monte Carlo method
method is called after the city in the Monaco principality,
because of a roulette, a simple random number generator. The
name and the systematic development of Monte Carlo methods
dates from about 1944.
are however a number of isolated and undeveloped instances
on much earlier occasions.
example, in the second half of the nineteenth century a number
of people performed experiments, in which they threw a needle
in a haphazard manner onto a board ruled with parallel straight
lines and inferred the value of PI = 3.14… from observations
of the number of intersections between needle and lines. An
account of this playful diversion (indulged in by certain
Captain Fox, amongst others, whilst recovering from wounds
incurred in the American Civil War) occurs in a paper Hall
(A. HALL 1873. " On an experimental determination of
PI"). The author of this WEB page has developed the software
for simulating of this experiment. Try
JAVA implementation of Buffon's needle experiment for the
determination of PI.
1899 Lord Rayleigh showed that a one-dimensional random walk
without absorbing barriers could provide an approximate solution
to a parabolic differential equation.

N. Kolmogorov (12.4.1903-20.10.1987)
1931 Kolmogorov showed the relationship between Markov stochastic
processes and certain integro-differential equations.
early part of the twentieth century, British statistical schools
indulged in a fair amount of unsophisticated Monte Carlo work.
Most of this seems to have been of didactic character and
rarely used for research or discovery. Only on a few rare
occasions was the emphasis on original discovery rather than
comforting verification. In 1908 Student (W.S. Gosset) used
experimental sampling to help him towards his discovery of
the distribution of the correlation coefficient. In the same
year Student also used sampling to bolster his faith in his
so-called t-distribution, which he had derived by a somewhat
shaky and incomplete theoretical analysis.
real use of Monte Carlo methods as a research tool stems from
work on the atomic bomb during the second world war. This
work involved a direct simulation of the probabilistic problems
concerned with random neutron diffusion in fissile material;
but even at an early stage of these investigations, von Neumann
and Ulam refined this particular " Russian roulette"
and "splitting" methods. However, the systematic
development of these ideas had to await the work of Harris
and Herman Kahn in 1948. About 1948 Fermi, Metropolis, and
Ulam obtained Monte Carlo estimates for the eigenvalues of
Schrodinger equation.
von Neumann (28.12.1903-8.2.1957)
about 1970, the newly developing theory of computational complexity
began to provide a more precise and persuasive rationale for
employing the Monte Carlo method. The theory identified a
class of problems for which the time to evaluate the exact
solution to a problem within the class grows, at least, exponentially
with M. The question to be resolved was whether or not the
Monte Carlo method could estimate the solution to a problem
in this intractable class to within a specified statistical
accuracy in time bounded above by a polynomial in M. Numerous
examples now support this contention. Karp (1985) shows this
property for estimating reliability in a planar multiterminal
network with randomly failing edges. Dyer (1989) establish
it for estimating the volume of a convex body in M-dimensional
Euclidean space. Broder (1986) and Jerrum and Sinclair (1988)
establish the property for estimating the permanent of a matrix
or, equivalently, the number of perfect matchings in a bipartite