I am going to be a junior at Oberlin College majoring in East Asian and American History. In addition, I hope to minor in Computer Science. BIG emphasis on hope. I was born and raised in New York City and I was a former student at an institution called Stuyvesant High School. Despite the four years of hell there....I am still relatively unscathed(I WISH!). At least I went to the bestest high school...at least on this side of the Milky way. I spent 2 years at Northeastern University where I made some friends and LOADS of enemies. That's why I xferred. If you do not believe me, ask my fiends...whoops! I mean friends. If you are wondering about this Web page, I took a summer course here at NYU. Therefore, this web page. Unfortunately, NYU proved to be too cheap to keep my website so they deleted it December, 1996. Fortunately, I was able to save everything. Due to the graces of geocities....the page is now here. If you want to see some pictures of moi, you might have to wait. Now to my pictures....(Now stop whining ok?!!) or probably the only ones you'll be seeing for some time yet.......
If you still feel whiny, you may have the Walter Mondale Tax speech. Enjoy...........;)
This page is under construction. Pardon the delays.....the construction
crews are all striking for higher wages.....sigh.....just for mere web
page construction......sigh..that's life.