The Dragon's friends

The Dragon's Virtual & Not So Virtual Friends

Here are some of my weirdos-whoops...I mean friends below in no particular order:

Friends From Stuy

  • Ahdom Hamblin Former Prez of Neo Gorakku(pardon my spelling...) and a cool dud..I mean dude!!!
  • Conrad Knauer A former homeroom buddy who does strange things with Chemicals in his room...(Whoa Conrad...just kidding need for hard feelings now....halllpppppp!!!!!) =)
  • Michael Lam A weird suicidal pre-med freak....I mean friend(heh heh heh heh). Check out his umm...."interesting" web page.
  • Man Ming Mak A friendly though somewhat mysterious least to me.
  • Samantha Wetherill An interesting person with an "interesting" web page.
  • Ying Li Another interesting person with a web page.....kinda hyper too.....;)
  • Chris Jackson A former President who is currently seeking employment.....=)
  • Ben Agybenyo Quiet, weird, and enigmatic are 3 words to describe this fellow....
  • Daniel ("Danny") Forgers Another "interesting" friend of mine who loves French food, music, and women(Just kidding about the last one...).
  • Pikki Lee Another friend who has unfortunately been missing for the past half year....where are your jokes Pikki??
  • Leaf Jiang A friendly giant who can also do complex calculations and crack esoteric jokes......take a look at his will explain all........
  • Alan Katz A WEIRD friend who is a nice "interesting" dude to know....also has a penchant for Art History...specializing in forgeries(Just kidding......).
  • Billy Lustgarten WEIRD...though not too hazardous to your irc buddy of mine who is a sports nut...I mean fan!!
  • Arif As-Samad Another irc buddy of mine who is a fellow survivor from Stuy

    Friends from Stuy w/o web pages

    (As far as I know)
  • Susie Sin: A friend with many talents...and a bit weird off the side...she's cool though.....aghhhh-owww!!(Ok! Ok! You're not weird..stop throwing things!!!)
  • Davin Nathanson: Another friend with many talents who is also weird...but friendly.....Also a MechE major who somehow found a way to hate the internet.
  • Fedley! : The epitome of uniqueness who is contending for the Weirdest person prize...along with myself!!! He's been missing for a few months.......

    Friends in Boston with web pages

  • Anthony S Chow A person with a cool web page and needs a job. A nice person who has just graduated.
  • Mohammad Al-Ansari A former computer science teacher of mine who showed me how to feel great when my computer kept crashing.
  • Kelvin Chan A friend whom I hindered....I mean helped in his effort to finish up his senior thesis. Now he is at MIT GRAD school. He may seem weird but he's a good friend through and through....don't worry, this link is now WORKING!!!
  • Erlyn Ordinario A friend who made life more bearable in and out of the 3 classes I had with her.
  • Nelson Chin One of many friends from BCEC who taught me how to strive against all odds.
  • Hock Ng A friend who I once annoyed a bit too often by asking him "How many people did you electrocute this week?" Through it all...he does have a great sense if humor which displays itself in his page. If you r seriously interested in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or other technical fields and would like a few laughs thrown in as well, look no further....come here!!!
  • Jason George The leader of my small group at BCEC in my second year in college. He also has some interests in common with mine. He is also a bit weird(Just kidding Jason).....but I AM WEIRDER!! If you love politics, fauna, tropics.....come here!!!
  • Adam Yen The leader of my frosh year small group at BCEC. A nice cool dude overall.....although he can compete very well with my friends for being weird(Just kidding :) ) and for having a weird sense of humor. Also...if you are looking to save the world....or your company, check out this page AT ONCE!!!
  • Betty Tsai A friend from of the few people I have known with a an element of satire on her web page.....though she's still building her page, I have barely started mine. :(
  • John H. Bickford Informative information about College & Grad school and interesting essays....check this site out!!!!

    Without Web pages

    (According to my current knowledge)
  • Conrad Ciszek: A friend and college grad who is now working for the State of Massachusetts.
  • Janet Wong: Someone I met at Frosh orientation....friendly though willing to give cardiac arrests to anyone who wants them...also a graduate of Boston Latin School. If you were wondering, she is currently majoring in Cardiology....I think.....
  • Bill Hsu: A friend from BCEC Friday Fellowship who guided me through some trying times.....may seem a bit serious for his age but WATCH OUT for his humorous can be lethal!!!
  • Peter Grossi: A former roommate who also cooks a very mean stew!!
  • Sean Scanlon: A friend and a Poli-Sci/History Major with whom I had many political arguments.

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    This page is under construction. Pardon the delays.....the construction crews are all striking for higher wages.....sigh.....just for mere web page construction......sigh..that's life.

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    Last modified Mon Aug 19 1996