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(c) 1998-2003
Korhan Gokcay
All right reserved

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Me :)

Well, I guess you are all wondering who is behind all this crap, who is actually putting so much boring stuff on one webpage.

Here you can get to know about me from top to bottom... well that is if you read on :)

The Beginning
I was born on a warm spring night, the 8th of april, 1975, thursday in Samsun, Turkey... There was a lot of crying that evening, well at least that's what my mother told me. My mum told me that I was very 'whiney' when I was little, but heck I couldnt help that :-)
I was only a little toddler :). When I was only 3 months old, my family moved to Istanbul.
I was raised there.

The Early Years
I still remember my first day at school, standing there with a goofey hair doo, ugly clothes, a new pencil case and a kinda strange frown on my face. School werent one of my biggest interests when I was a kid, it was much more fun to play with cars in the sand box go bug some neighbours by ringing their doorbell and then run away, yeah I was kinda a little meanie, but it was fun, much more fun than reading boring school crap. (but later :) )

The Teenage Years
After I was finished with my nice childhood years came the time when I liked all kinda crappy music like Samantha Fox and Sandra etc etc. *Phew* I am glad I got out of that stage alive. :-)

Finally an Adult
Yepp, finally an adult :) and how to cope with that I don't know yet, because this is something that is gonna take the rest of my life to figure out. I feel much more secure in myself now and what I do. Though, don't forget that I can still be very childish at times, something I think is good.

Until February 2000, I had worked as a research assistant in the Industrial Engineering Department of Istanbul University for two years, A job I liked quite well. I was able to study and enjoy my life at the same time there. While I was working at IE Dept., I was studying the same subject at Bosphorus University. Now I have a MSc degree and a number of publications. :)

After these two marvellous years in the university as a research assistant and a MSc student, I attented a certificate program in North East Surrey College of Technology in Sutton, London, UK. When I came back to Turkey, I did my military service in Ankara. It took 7 1/2 months and it was totaly different than I guessed.

Now, I am in Istanbul and I have been working in a company as Production Planning Engineer since July 2001. Hopefully, I will update the rest of the story in the near future... Please check this page again :)

Click here to have a quick look through my CV.