Personal data Education Achievements Programming Skills General data

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Examination Institute Year Marks
S.S.C. St. Francis D'Assisi High School, Borivli(west) March 1996 647/750, 86.26%, Grade 1 with distinction
H.S.C.(Science) Mithibai College, Vile Parle(west) March 1998 519/700, 86.50%, Grade 1 with distinction

Degree College: Thadomal Shahani Engg. College, Bandra(west)
Branch: Computer Science, B.E. course batch 2001-2002
Year Semester Marks Percentage
1998-1999 1 621/925 67.13%
2 676/1000 67.6%
First Year 1297/1925 67.38%
1999-2000 3 505/700 72.14%
4 569/825 68.97%
Second year 1074/1525 70.43%
2000-2001 5 465/700 66.43%
6 587/875 67.09%
Third year 1052/1575 66.79%
2001-2002 7 476/750 63.47%
8 491/700 70.14%
Fourth year 967/1450 66.69%