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posted: Jan. 30, 2004 - 2:18 PM, PST.
Moon Base: NASA's Recurring Dream President Bush ordered NASA scientists to plan for a manned "foothold on the moon." They might look through their old filing cabinets to start, because the U.S. government and its contractors have been planning lunar colonies since long before Neil Armstrong took his one giant leap for mankind in 1969.
Fly My Stuff to the Moon: Private Mission Slated for Fall Launch
U.S. scientists create new form of matter Scientists have created a new form of matter and predict it could help lead to the next generation of superconductors for use in electricity generation, more efficient trains and countless other applications.
UFO Secrets An unidentified aircraft calling itself "Lockheed Test 2334" told FAA controllers in Albuquerque, N.M., that it was "going supersonic somewhere above Flight Level 60 [60,000 feet]"...
Transforming Thoughts Into Deeds Five quadriplegic patients might be months away from testing a brain-computer interface created by Cyberkinetics. The company's system, called BrainGate, could help patients with no mobility to control a computer, a robot or eventually their own rewired muscles, using only their thoughts.
Japan invents the gadget of your dreams A Japanese company has invented a product which, it says, allows owners to create their own dreams.
Astronomers Find Sun's Twin The star, 18 Scorpii, sits about 47.5 light-years away in the constellation Scorpio. It has nearly identical marks in temperature, rotation and age.
Galaxy find stirs Big Bang debate An Australian-led team of scientists has discovered a new string of galaxies which they say challenges existing theories about the evolution of the universe.
Are there parallel worlds? String theory -- the so-called theory of everything -- might explain the structure of the universe. The past few years have brought a flurry of new ideas about the structure of the universe, and physicists are now contemplating multidimensional worlds that put our seemingly-three-dimensional surroundings to shame.
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