I,Anuradha De from Department of Science, TTTI, Calcutta [newly named as National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, (NITTTR) Kolkata], signed up on 23.7.99 for making Home Page. Our home page was last updated on 01.10.08 The Home Page making is a never ending project. I started making Home Page when I came across the free home page facility offered by Yahoo!GeoCities. On 23.7.99, I accidentally started making Home pages. I decided to make a Home Page not on my family life but for my Institute Technical Teachers' Training Institute, Calcutta (TTTI)No work becomes successful and excellent without joint participation. During the first week of my home page making, I found myself in deep seas. Then I got an e-mail from Yahoo Geocities encouraging me for my work .Through the e-mail some instructions were also provided. But that time I needed help from the "Help" supplied. Anyway I am thankful to Yahoo Geocities for providing "Free Home Page" facility. This work includes the cumulated inputs and suggestions from many of my colleagues over the last three months. First I want to express my hearty thanks to Prof. (Dr.) R.K.Bera, Head of the Department of Science of our Institute. He is basically an academic man and always inspires me in doing academically and productive works. I am fortunate that I can discuss with him freely and get his advice whenever required. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to Dr. S.Mandal , Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Department and a colleague of mine. We had several discussion on Internet and Home pages. He actually gave me the information about a book on HTML. After that I started learning HTML programming and my progress in the project rapidly advanced. My special thanks is to Prof. M.Das, who is a senior assistant Prof. of Civil Department of our Institute. He is a knowledgeable man in all respects and also approachable whenever need arises. When I needed help for information collection and advice , his help was invaluable. I can mention the name of Prof. (Dr.) S. Ray of Continuing Department, a very senior Professor but extremely helpful. Working with him has been for me a valuable and fruitful experience. At the very early state of my work Prof. Ray inspired me very much. I can mention the helps provided by our LRC Department. Various pictures for my project were supplied by them. My sincere thanks to the personnel of the department. Next I want to express my gratitude to Mr. S.N. Mandal , and Mr. S.Naskar who are Lecturers of Science and EDPM Departments of our Institute respectively for helping me in getting information. Also thanks to Mr. P.D.Siyodia, a Technical Assistant of Science Department for giving suggestion for beautification of our Home Page. I am thankful also to Prof. U. C. Kumar of Community Development & Rural Technology Department for sparing some of his valuable time to see the Homepage and give some recent data about Polytechnics. Lastly but not the least my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Head of Computer Science & Technology Department and Principal of our Institute for providing me with the Internet facility , without which this project would not have succeeded. This Home Page is still under construction. Any effort for identifying crucial error in document is always welcome. Moreover, any constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement of this Home Page will be acknowledged. Documents:
Thank you for visiting TTTI,Calcutta Home Page Please send your comments through e-mail:anuradhade@yahoo.com
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