Insect Pest


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                                         Macro photography For Insects Pest

The equipment used was an Eos Elan 7e, Eos D60, 105 mm Sigma EX macro, twin lite macro flash  24 MT EX, and teleconverter for shots more than  1:1.  Click on any thumbnail  to see the picture's setting and information. 


horizontal rule

Order: Diptera

Superfamily: Oestroidea

Family: Calliphoridae

Genus: Phormia

The bronze bottle fly is metallic green with a bronze sheen. Newly emerged adults are usually greener than older flies that have accumulated filth on their bodies. The black thoracic spiracles separate this species from Chrysomya and Phormia species. The life cycle is similar to that of the house fly but closer to 14 days. Flies create some of the most common public-health insect problems. Important around the world as vectors of major diseases such as sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and typhoid fever, in the U.S. they can be a major source of mechanically transmitted diarrheal illnesses and occasional cuticular disorders, such as pinkeye.


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This site was last updated 04/15/07