Insects Predators


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Insects Predators
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                                         Macro photography For Predators

These are some of the  most common predators in Los Angeles, California. Most of the pictures have been taken in West Los Angeles College and Kenneth Hahn State Park. The equipment used was an Eos Elan 7e, Eos D60, 105 mm Sigma EX macro, twin lite macro flash  24 MT EX, and teleconverter for shots more than  1:1.  Click on any thumbnail  to see the picture's setting and information. 


horizontal rule

Order: Araneae

Family: Lycosidae

Common name: Wolf spider

Wolf spider are widespread hunter. Named for the greek word "lycosa," meaning "wolf." They have 8 dark eyes of unequal size arranged in 3 rows, the first having 4 eyes. The long leg bear 3 microscopic claws at each tip. Most wolf spider live on the ground and hunt for prey at night, these spider do not spin webs. Males court potencial mates by rhythmically waving the pedipalps. This large family has over 200 species in North America.

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This site was last updated 04/15/07