2008 NEWS Diary

Very much like the same

Alfonso, Cavite, July 26, 2008 – San Beda College High School Batch 1975 (SBCHS75) held a general meeting and outing at Royale Tagaytay Country Club in this town beside Tagaytay City.

Eighteen (18) batchmates braved the threatening weather to join the event. They were Chairman Joel Bañares, President Jito Arreza, Andy Hirang, Ira Maniquis, Flex Cabasa, Gabby Go, Toti Guevara, Fr. Lucas Centeno, Jess Gonzales, Boyet Pascual, Roy Abesamis, Anthony Torres, Alex Depante, Abet Mariano, Bobby Gadia, Rhett Jeturian, Bebet Gaudinez and host Boy Masakayan. For the nth time, Boy has graciously allowed free use of country club’s facilities.

In the notice circulated by Jito a few weeks before the occasion, the day’s events included the general meeting, golf, badminton, bowling, billiards, basketball and lunch. Boy also invited everyone to dinner.

Best ball golf

It was supposed to be an 8:00 A.M. tee-off for the golfers but due to an assortment of excuses, the game started way past 9:00 A.M.

On the way to Tagaytay somewhere in Muntinlupa, rain was so heavy that it dampened some of the golfers’ spirit. “Dito lang ‘yan. Doon maliwanag,” Andy, the batch’s No. 1 player assured Ira, as he pointed in the direction of Tagaytay.

Somewhere in Silang, Cavite, some of the guys received a text message from Joel requesting that they wait for him before teeing off but the ever-unfailing batch Chair was first to arrive among the golfers at Royale Tagaytay.

Andy suggested a “best ball team competition” spiked with a friendly bet. The teams were Andy and Ira, Jito and Gabby, and Flex and Joel. Andy gave his opponents plus 2 strokes per 9 holes. Despite the protestations of the caddies, the golfers played 6-some.

Best ball, Andy explains, is simply counting the best score of the players on the team – whatever that means. Throughout the game Joel and Ira asked each other how the scoring went. At one point, they assured each other that neither understood how the competition and scoring came about.

First 9 results: Flex-Joel scores 5 over, Andy-Ira also 5 over, while Jito-Gabby plowed the fairways with 12 over. The Flex-Joel team won the round because of the generous plus 2 strokes Andy gave away.

“Mag-palitan na tayo ng partner,” Jito yelled somewhere at the start of the second nine. No one however seemed to have heard him as the golfers chose to ignore his plea.

Second 9 results: Flex-Joel again with 5 over, Andy-Ira with 7 over, while Jito-Gabby this time planted on the fairways with an 11 over. The Flex-Joel team won the round and the game.

Flex and Joel became richer by winning P290 each. Andy and Ira lost P80 each while Jito and Gabby gave away P290 each.

If there was a most improved golfer award, it’s hands down Joel. Andy marveled at how Joel has vastly improved. Technically sound – a case of mind over body. Throughout the game, some of the guys emulated Joel – very much like the good old days.

The 9-hole course was short but very challenging with only Flex and Jito scoring birdies. The 9th hole is the only hole where one can use a driver. It was only Jito who hit the green one-on with a 280-yard drive using a TaylorMade R7 driver and a Titleist Pro-V1 golf ball.

Too bad Anthony and Alex arrived late. If they played as a team, they could have given anyone a run for their money. Anthony is the match-up for Andy while Alex is a mean golfer himself.

Business matters

Everyone was gorging on the sumptuous lunch buffet when the golfers walked into the dining hall at around 1:00 P.M. For about an hour, it was “galit-galit muna tayo.”

When everyone had his fill and some were already guzzling bottles of beer, Jito called the meeting to order.

The President presented the financial report to the batch. He said that the SBCHS75 Foundation’s fund balance as of July 22, 2008 is P691,341.62. This included the net income from “Paluan sa Southwoods,” the golf fundraiser spearheaded by Andy and Anthony held at Manila Southwoods last February 29. The 2-month effort generated P188,028 in net proceeds.

Jito said that P70,000 is due to Gawad Kalinga (GK) and P10,000 to the Ricardo Liwanag Foundation (RLF). Joel will implement the batch GK contribution while Jito will call on the proponents of RLF at the soonest possible time. Jito lauded the “US boys” for the GK fund raising effort, to which everyone agreed.

The batch leadership made known some plans they wish to undertake. Among these are the holding of another fellowship where a lot more batch members can attend and another fundraiser where the batch will block purchase a one-night run of a Repertory Philippines play.

A venue mentioned for the fellowship was the Manila Yacht Club. With regards the play, some classmates will look into the feasibility of buying a night’s local run of Mulan and marketing the said event.

This early, preparations are ongoing for the 2010 homecoming. SBCHS75 will celebrate its 35th anniversary that year and it is everyone’s desire to have one big reunion. During the meeting, plans for the arrival of a big delegation of batch mates from the US and other countries were given special focus. Batch officials will meet on the matter soon.

Very much like

The formal meeting came to a natural end as pockets of discussion ensued – very much like the classroom days. Everyone had a story to tell and mini-meetings were all over. Boy took the opportunity to remind everyone about the day’s full schedule but no one budged. Everybody was content reminiscing about the good old days and talking about recent developments. The boys hung out first at the veranda but moved back to the dining hall when the rains poured – drinking beer and coffee, munching kropek and a whole lot of kuwentuhan.

Everyone knew that Jess recently went through a challenging situation. It was a surprise to see him attend the Tagaytay event. It was an even bigger surprise to see a lighted cigarette on his mouth.

“Pare, bawal sa iyo ‘yan,” a concerned batch mate was heard saying. “Huwag na. Itigil mo na ‘yan. Masama sa iyo ‘yan.” This was echoed by just about everyone who saw Jess as they showed concern for a recently stricken and recovering brother. It was a wonder though who gave him and lighted the cigarette.

As expected, the NCAA games, other tournaments and related incidents were discussed. Toti, a regular fixture at San Beda games and the suspected instigator of a near-rumble during a recent San Beda–La Salle game, had so many stories to tell. Nothing however, beats his allegation that Roy, yes our Roy Abesamis, has turned into a troublemaker during San Beda games.

An extended subject matter was a batch mate who is reportedly also a member of other batches. “Malas mo lang talaga ‘pag wala ka,” someone said. “Siguradong paguusapan ka.”

The guy has been proposing projects for the batch for some time but has always hit a brick wall. He once asked Alex who opposes his proposals and was told that a certain SBCHS75 board member, who was not present in Tagaytay, always disagrees with his plans. The said board member may never know how he got into the picture.

Of course, the beloved teachers were discussed. The particular favorite of every red-blooded batch mate had special mention but those interested for more details can ask those present for particulars.

Then there was the subject on columbarium. Joel, as everyone knows, is engaged in the business and even as he had already left, discussions on the matter still lingered. On one end of an extended table, Jito, Anthony and some others were talking intelligently and discussing the possibility of investing in such business. On the other end was Abet rambling on his involvement in the construction of some columbarium, necessary permits and whatever, to the amusement of Boy and Ira. It must have been a little too much beer too early.

These, among several topics, were part of the highly charged discussions. It was already late in the afternoon when a few guys slipped out and disappeared. Some looked like they wanted to leave but before the troop gets any further depleted, Boy had the kitchen make bibingka for everyone. Masarap was just about everyone could sigh. Boy reiterated his dinner invitation but some guys had to leave, again citing an assortment of excuses.


Then came nightfall. Flex, Bebet, Toti, Roy, Alex, Abet and host Boy just could not get over the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. Eating, drinking, kuwentuhan until a pianist arrived.

The pianist played music for Royale Tagaytay customers at the dining hall and provided accompaniment for anyone who wanted to sing – and did they sing.

Flex and Toti were among those who scorched the microphone until a group of team-builders arrived to have dinner at the place.

Suddenly, a batch mate – not Fr. Lucas who had left earlier, became a prelate who was supposedly celebrating his birthday with friends. Before anyone can resist, the batch mates and the team-builders were already celebrating the new batch priest’s birthday.

The newfound friends sang and even danced with the new priest to their hearts’ delight. Flex was reported to have allegedly sung his way to one of the team-builder’s interest.

This went on until about 10:00 P.M. when the guys had to part ways.

See PICTURES of event!

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Paluan sa Southwoods!

MANILA SOUTHWOODS, Feb 29, 2008– pls check photos of our recently concluded Fund Raising Event: Paluan sa Southwoods, 2nd SBCHS 75 Golf Tournament at the Legends Course, Manila Southwoods, now posted in our photo album .... check-in for more news later.

See more pictures at our Yahoo Group site c/o Andy Hirang!

Go to 1999 NEWS Archives for 1999 events and Homecoming preparations.

Go to 2000 NEWS Archives for the Y2K Homecoming and other activities.

Go to 2001 NEWS Archives for the Reunion at the Bay, Christmas Ball and other events.

Go to 2002 NEWS Archives for the Sushifest, Las Vegas Grand Reunion, Fashion Show, Christmas Ball and other events.

Go to 2003 NEWS Archives for the Norcal activities, SuperBowl Sunday, Christmas Ball and other events.

Go to 2004 NEWS Archives for our Christmas Ball featuring Ms. Joey Albert.

Go to 2005 NEWS Archives for our good deeds.

Go to 2006 NEWS Archives for the 2006 NCAA Basketball Champs!

Go to 2007 NEWS Archives for more reunions!


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