La Cultura Latina

La Comunidad




. : GALLERY : .

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Jennifer Lopez and Ariana Graham heading to George Mason for a party

Jennifer Lopez and Ariana Graham heading to George Mason for a party

Christian Lozano celebrating her
22nd birthday (yummy, flan!)

Mayra Fernandez, Jennifer Mauskauf
(Lambda), and Ariana Graham pose for a picture at Jennifer's Georgetown Law School Graduation.

Ariana Graham (Mu), Christian Lozano, Maria Robertson (Kappa), and Carla Vargas (Theta) getting ready for a night out on the town

Reyna Larios, Wendy Peña, and Carla
Vargas form Theta Chapter meet with Jennifer Lopez and Christian Lozano at Annual Meeting.

Jennifer Lopez and Mayra Fernandez at Annual Meeting.

Jennifer in Georgetown University at a Sorority Information Session

Jennifer & Mayra at Kappa & Rho Chapter's Step Show Competition

Sorority National Step Team exhibition at Wesleyan University

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Hermanas hanging out in DC

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Amanda and Sujeine in France
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Janethe and Ori getting "cheez"-ey for the 
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Hermies at the Greek Picnic in NYC.
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Robin, Crystal, Judy and Janethe representing at the GU Step Show 2000.
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Jessy, Bency and Kathy on top of the Empire State Building.
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Celebrating Spring 2002 Hermanas.
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Spring 2002 in da house!!
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Belinda , Judy (M), Christian, Reyna (Q),
Nadia (Q), Veronica (M), Jennifer Madrid (M), Ariana Graham (M) posing at Sorority's 14th Anniversary dinner.

Amanda & Gina (Q) at theGeorge Washington University for the annual Golden Explosion party.

Fall 2002 Hermanas from across the coast come support us for a party at Georgetown University

Mayra, Jennifer and Christian vacationg at St. Maarten.

Christian, Belinda and Reyna (Q) sharing a Pi Chi moment.


| Copyright © 2004. Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.|
Epsilon Chapter - American University and Georgetown University |

For information or comments, please email us. |