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Prashant is currently

Chikaveco chikaveco chichika loma
Loma, loma, loma papa tota
Inchi pai po, inchi pai po
Inchi pai, inchi pai ichchacho !!!

I just meant to say "Hi and welcome to my website". Don't ask me which language, coz I cooked it up on the fly ! :) And the three exclamatory marks at the end of my *warm* welcome speech are definitely not the "not" operator.

I was born on 010111110111011 (decrypt that and you'll know my age). Dont worry, that doesn't mean that I have a binary mind.
And guess what you would wish me on January 1st every year ??
"Happy Birthday, Prashant" ! :)

A capricorn ofcourse !

My life revolves around a cryptographic puzzle entangled in a minimum spanning tree, compiled by obstrusive hypertext protocols in virtual memory-bound multiprocessors, free from deadlocks and system interrupts. You are right - Computer Science is my passion ! And if you really understood what I meant to say in the previous sentences, then you are "geek++".

I'm currently working in the area of Wide Area Data Services - an emerging technology in WAN Optimization.

I'm not the kind of person who spends hours on introspection....but I could describe myself as jovial and enterprising, fun-loving, practical, aggressive and sensitive. Love talking, meeting people and making friends.! In all, I'm an easy-going guy....but then, I do get serious when I'm totally engrossed with my work. Wierd combination eh ? Thatz the way "yours truly" is !

I'd started maintaining my activities on a blog. But since I wasn't really too disciplined in updating it, I decided to remove the links to it.

Please punch in some comments as u walk away from this site (I'm alluding to say 'Say some good things in my guest book' !!)

As they always say, this site is also still under construction. I've completed the first floor and shall keep building stories and sky scrapers as and when I get time. However, I keep updating the site with some interesting stuff often. So dont forget to keep coming back !

Click here for an FAQ for students joining NC State (written around Fall 2002)

Last Updated: 7th December 2006.

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