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Here is a good tip from http://midcareer.monster.ca/article/sixways/.
Get Noticed, Get Promoted
by Barbara Reinhold

1) COME EARLY, STAY LATE. Put in as much time as the competition does (or work for a right-minded firm that values productivity more than "face time"). But if you're in one of those places where working longer is the currency, you'd better do it too.

2) NETWORK. Get to know people who are in the business of identifying the "bright lights" in your organization and in your field. Tactfully, let them know what you're doing, and ask for their input from time to time.

3) LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. Improve your skills all the time, and figure out how to let your boss know you're doing it.

4) ANALYZE. Figure out what really matters to your boss and to your boss's boss -- and put your creative energies to work on those projects or problems.

5) PSYCHOLOGIZE. Use the quizzes here, the Kiersey Temperament Sorter and some Myers-Briggs books to analyze your boss's and co-workers' work styles. Then master the art of working effectively with people different from you. You might also ask the HR folks where you work to run an MBTI workshop for your whole unit -- that always livens things up and gives "permission" to talk about different styles.

6) ABOVE ALL, BE HAPPY! Keep your complaints to yourself and a very few people you trust -- spend your time talking about positive new ideas and plans.