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"Uruguayan Recipes" is a web site currently located at www.geocities.com/vluongo
It was borned in 1996 as a way to collect and display typical Uruguayan recipes that people sent to a mailing list. It was designed as a static page because it started with only 20 recipes. Currently, it has 213 recipes and it is still a static page. The site receives an average of 100 visits per day. The web site is maintained by only one person. The recipes are provided by readers.

The site has a Spanish and an English version. The English version is way behind in updates than the Spanish version because there are not so many readers sending recipes in English. The administrator would like to translate all the recipes and is counting on the free time that she will get once a database to store and manage the information is in place and will free her from other tasks.
Taking the Spanish version as an example because it is closer to what the final categorization would be, the site has the following pages:
NOVEDADES (NEWS) where the news and new recipes are placed for a month. It also has the unanswered questions and requests for recipes from readers.

The page is updated once a month.
Currently, people send recipes by email and the administrator saves them in a folder that correspond to the next update called "update/[name of the month]". Readers also send questions or requests by email which the administrator also saves in the same folder. Once a month the adminstrator updates de pages by hand using Macromedia Dreamweaver.
The content of the NEWS page is copied and pasted to the corresponding pages according to the categorization. The new content is then placed in the NEWS page also by copying and pasting from the emails.

If a reader asks for a recipe, the administrator has to exercise the memory or browse the pages to see if it is already available. Then she sends a link by email. If the recipe is not on the page, then she looks into her cooking books and if she finds it she sends an email to the reader, and then she saves the sent email in a folder called "sent recipes" but rarely puts them in the page. If she feels like the recipe has been asked for several times, she then places it in the page, too; but there is not a real system for the recipes she sends out. Without a database, she currently has to browse on the "sent recipes" folder if a second person asks for the same recipe again.
If she couldn't find it on her books, then she saves the request in the "update/[name of the month]" folder and posts the question in the NEWS section.

Readers sometimes also send comments that she saves in another folder. She answers the email with comments but does nothing else with them.