I guess I should probably tell you a little about myself since I think that's what everyone normally does. My name is Samantha Fern Brdek and I'm a 21 year old senior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. A lot of people used to hear the name of the school and immediately think that it's a military school. Believe me, we have more freedom here than at most schools and if it was a military school, I sure wouldn't be here. Some of my friends are going to be engineers, but I have no clue what I want to do with my life. I've finally changed my major to Computer Science with minors in Chemistry and English. I know, that's quite a wide variety of subjects to "specialize" in but that's just the way it worked out. I just hope that the whole CS thing works out okay.
I'm the eldest of four(4) children. My little brother, George, who just happens to be taller than me, will soon be 17. George looks like he could be a football player, but he's decided to play the cello instead. Then there's Andrea (Andy) who should be 14 by now. She also plays the cello and right now is almost as tall as my mom, not to mention taller than some of my best friends. Finally, there's my matching bookend (as my family calls her) Tornado, or Cassandra (Casey) who is 10 years old. I can't wait until Andy and Casey get old enough to be taller than me. Then I'll be able to frighten people by telling them that I'm the runt of my family! How many 5'11" tall people get to say that? : )

Beth was my roommate for the two years. She then went to school for a year in Manchester, England for Junior Year Abroad. I missed having her around and now that she's back, I probably won't get to see too much of her since she's living in an apartment with a couple of friends of ours while I'm living in the dorms with my sorority sisters. She's from Wisconsin and although there aren't supposed to be that many cows there, and she doesn't have any living in her backyard, she does have some living across the street from her. I don't think that any two people could look so different and yet get along so well. While I'm tall (5'11") with what used to be really long brown hair but has just recently become average length hair, she's average (5'5") with very short brown hair. I don't know her weight and I wouldn't want to put it in if I did because she might hurt me with her foil or even the saber that she used during fencing. I know that getting poked by those things would hurt because not only have I seen most of her bruises, but she was also pretty good at fencing. However, she's decided that she will not be fencing this year due to her hurt wrist. It's sort of a pity that she isn't fencing anymore, but I think it will be better for her. After all, she's been fencing for so long that she really needs a long break from it.
When I'm not procrastinating about doing homework, or at work trying to earn money so I can stay in school, I'm hanging out with my friends, listening to music, or even the less frequent, sleeping. I've been getting into different types of music lately. I've really begun to enjoy the musicals "Rent" and "Les Miserables". In fact, last summer I was able to go see a production of "Rent" right here in Cleveland. It was nothing like I had expected, but then again, it was. It's rather hard to explain unless you've seen it yourself. It is really good and I'd recommend it to anyone. I also enjoy many Wisconsin bands (guess who got me hooked on them) such as the Bodeans and the Gufs. This summer I was able to go to a Hootie and the Blowfish concert and then I took my dad to a Black Sabbath concert. I didn't really think that I'd like the Black Sabbath concert since I didn't think I knew any of their songs, but it was a lot of fun. It was very high energy and Ozzy Osborn was nothing like I had expected. He's a very good entertainer (even w/out the biting off rat's heads) but he's getting rather old. I guess I just missed seeing him in his prime.

I guess I enjoy it here at CWRU. For the first time in my life, I actually feel like I belong. I've never felt that way before. Sure, the classes are hard and the weather here in Cleveland isn't that great, but I don't think that I would want to be any place else. After all, if I hadn't come here I would have never met Andy (not my sister, but the new guy in my life) nor a lot of my other friends. I could never forget some of the ones that I left behind, though. Some of them just won't allow that to happen. :~) But I guess that's a good thing. No matter how much I want to forget that I come from Youngstown, OH sometimes, they just won't let me. Most of them don't have their own pages yet, but I do have a couple of pictures of them up now. 
Two years ago I did something that I had never thought I would do...I joined a sorority! Yes, me! I'm actually a "ditzy sorority chick". No, not really. I'm a sorority girl, but being one hasn't made me any ditzier than before. In fact, my GPA has actually improved. I think the main reason for that is that I have to be more responsible since I hold a couple of positions. Being responsible makes me manage my time better so that I can go out and do everything that I want to do and still get everything accomplished that I have to do. I love my sorority. I'm very glad that I decided to join and if I had to make the decision over again, I'd make the same one. How many people can say that? In fact, even though we're a small group, that just means that we're even closer than a bigger group would be. I feel very close to my sisters and I know that although I may lose touch w/ my friends, I will never lose touch w/ my sisters. If you want to check out the Theta Mu chapter of Alpha Xi Delta web page, just click on the button:
Some cute turtle pictures
More facts about me
My Friends' Pages
My Thoughts
My job
Main Page
Now that you know a little more than you ever wanted to about me, you can email me and let me know how fascinated you were by the entire page :~)
I just added my very own guestbook, so if you'd like to let me know what you think without have to put up with the hassel of emailing me, just pop right on in and fill it out.