
Hello one and all. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my page. Please come again soon. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to say so. Also, if there are any pages that you know of where I can find pictures of turtles, could you let me know? Thanks

Angelo Cintron - 04/23/00 06:43:52
My Email:tronic1203@aol.com
Favorite Animal: dog
Favorite way to meet new people: the internet and school!
Hey Sam, I haven't talked to you since forever. How have you been? I just saw your webpage and I thought it was pretty cool. I am doing ok and getting ready to graduate with a BS in Pharmacy from Ohio State and going back to get a Spanish degree (go figure) and a PharmD (a doctorate in Pharmacy) and am thinking about med school (am I insane or what). I would like to hear from you and see how you are doing. My email is listed and you can also reach me at my Columbus address at: 3050 St John Ct Apt 9, Columbus, Oh 43202. I saw your name in the alumni web site for high school graduates and saw your name and wanted to see how you are. It was nice to see how you have progressed, so keep in touch. Talk to you soon. Angelo

- 03/06/00 18:26:45

Joel Scheuer - 01/24/00 02:32:12
My URL:http://home.collegeclub.com
Entered the wrong URL for my web page. Sorry.

Joel Scheuer - 01/23/00 03:35:31
My URL:http://www.collegeclub.com/WCS99no1
My Email:jhs17@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: Horses and cats, I guess. (Yes, there are men who like horses and cats.)
Favorite way to meet new people: Internet, rush parties, and classes
Nice web page. Better than mine, that's for sure. Good luck in Music 103, and your endevors after graduation. Hope to talk to you soon.

sAM - 11/13/99 01:02:10
Favorite Animal: tURTLE
Favorite way to meet new people: INTERNET

"Peppomint" - 04/10/99 19:29:28
My Email:peppomint@home.com
Favorite Animal: mouse (everyone says that's what I remind them of)
Favorite way to meet new people: through my 2 best buddies... they have the weirdest friends...
I was looking up info on a science project when I bumped into your page. I read everything and looked at most of the links. (It took me a very long time, I might add) but it was definitely worth it. You and your friends have really good sites and I hope I hear from you sometime. By the way, i really like "Julie-Bombers" inspirational page!

Trendy - 02/16/99 06:21:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/broadway/1825
My Email:mkf8@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: Honey, The Fat Chihuahua of Theta Chi
Favorite way to meet new people: trip them
this girl is nothing like she seems. Don't believe that the girl in the pig-tails is innocent. She is the devil!!!

Who do you think I am? Owen the nondenumerable! - 01/31/99 23:59:58
My URL:http://xyz.uchicago.edu/users/ojmaresh/index.html
My Email:owen@diderot.uchicago.edu
Favorite Animal: freeze-dried tardigrade powder
Favorite way to meet new people: by chance
This is immensely annoying. Look at your homepage! Ask Susan if she'll tell you.

dan the man - 01/27/99 17:14:35
My Email:harvischak@aol.com
Favorite Animal: ron croutch
Favorite way to meet new people: go to there web page =)
i sam this is me dan harvischak .. donna gave me you add so i thought i would say hi

georgie - 11/26/98 22:04:03
Favorite Animal: doggy
Favorite way to meet new people: talk to them

georgie - 11/26/98 22:01:24
Favorite Animal: doggy
Favorite way to meet new people: talk to them

John L. Clark - 11/23/98 05:27:33
My URL:http://b61945.student.cwru.edu
My Email:jlc6@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: Bat
Favorite way to meet new people: Being forced into a completely new environment with new demands
I'll give them to you in person. =O)

Lizzie across the Pond - 11/14/98 14:40:28
My Email:ehedrick@mindless.com
Favorite Animal: sea turtles
Hi Sam! I just looked all through your web page. Its awesome!!!

10/14/98 06:13:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Jaya Purswani - 09/20/98 23:02:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/3147/
My Email:jxp10@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: dolphin
Favorite way to meet new people: Dancing
Sam, I love your page... come by and visit some time :)

Banderso - 09/04/98 01:25:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/museum/6395
My Email:schizm1054@geocities.com
Favorite Animal: Yogi, Erin's Mom
Favorite way to meet new people: Stand in the my closet and scream "I will do anything for a dollar!" Until the police arrive and then I can finally meet people my own itellectual range in the holding cell as they hold me down and take away my sho laces
Your poetry is decent and so is your web page. your poetry is much better than mime. Because it is really hard to see you mime over the internet. The technology has not quite arrived from the labs in France.

Moshe (The Irrepressable) - 07/16/98 01:36:16
My URL:http://to.cool.to/have/one.html
My Email:moshe@katz-hyman.ml.org
Favorite Animal: An Anti-Cabbit (ask mike)
Favorite way to meet new people: you don't wanna know
Uhggch!! Geocities, I HATE those friggin' things. I do like the color of the pages tho'. Being bored and lonley all summer. Visiting friends pages. Writing with participial phrases. Say Hi to da gang. 'sup. Word.

Scott - 07/02/98 15:52:42
My URL:http://members.aol.com/scott44106
My Email:sam16@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: Racoon, koala, penguin
Favorite way to meet new people: Hijack a plane
You're going South side next semester? Boo! I'm sad :-( You and Angie will have to take turns dragging each other up to North side to visit sometimes. Well, enjoy your summer. Back to work...

Matt - 05/07/98 00:30:26
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~mattmarsh
My Email:mattmarsh@bigfoot.com
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite way to meet new people: Geocities looks good to me!
Love the pages, looks like one of the best in the neigbourhood, come visit me some time ;-) maybe you could link my site? Oh, and hi to anyone who reads this....

Alison - 05/03/98 23:46:59
My Email:aen@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: cat
Favorite way to meet new people: I'm too shy!
Hey lil' sis! I love your homepage! I'll have my own next semester, but I don't think it could begin to rival yours! See ya later! =)

Erin McTurtle - 05/03/98 21:55:31
My Email:emm13@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: Turtle! :)
Favorite way to meet new people: I don't know.
I like the turtle pics! :)

"Grams" - 03/25/98 20:27:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/8125
My Email:msk2@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: dogs
Favorite way to meet new people: Singing on the greeny
Sam, soon my page may be as good as yours! I hope!

Laura - 02/04/98 18:10:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/8169
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite way to meet new people: I don't like to meet new people, I live on Southside!
Great page Sam! Now I have to work on mine, you know, in all of that free time that I have...

Scott - 02/04/98 01:37:21
My URL:http://parappa.home.ml.org
My Email:sam16@po.cwru.edu
Favorite Animal: koala
Hey Sam...that's it.

Richard Will - 02/02/98 06:32:38
My Email:bq936@yfn.ysu.edu
Favorite way to meet new people: Friends of Friends
Hey Sam!!! Do you want to skip lunch and go to Taco Bell?

sam - 01/28/98 06:26:20
Just wanted to check to make sure it was working. It is. Oh, Happy days!

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