Actually, I know that a lot of people view the idea of a PERSONAL homepage as self-serving. It would seem like one needs to attract people's attention to oneself in wanting to construct a personal page in the web. However, some people get a lot of emotional release from writing, and going into the minutest details of HTML construction and editing serves to make the release easier, faster and, well, "electronic". It definitely also takes a lot of intelligence, effort and patience in trying to understand webtools and configurations embedded in all these high-tech hogwash, webtravel, and the like, that it can actually effectively help one let go of all his pent-up reactions to his daily travails and stresses. So that all these other trivial reasons become, yes, trivial, and trite.
Within the net, you are lost in the web of things, pun intended. At the flick of a mouse button, one imagines that he travels in the constellation or universe "somewhere out there". Worse, he believes that he is being observed every step of the way, monitored by all and sundry. It can be both funny and pathetic, but to those who have joined in the bandwagon, they can actually feel the exhilirating, almost enchanting, effects of immersing oneself in a net journey.
Now back to the homepage. It also serves to re-introduce oneself to ONESELF. It becomes an efficient tool at reminiscing and remembering what one is up to in life, in relation to who he actually was in the past. As the author attempts to travel through time backwards to write about his life, career, and activities (including where he is now and what he has become), he also tries to remember all the links (missing and existing), that can make his life more complete in relation to what he envisions himself to be in the future, or what is left of it. He then tries to know himself better - discover the many aspects of him that have somehow become alien and foreign because of the hustle and bustle of an angry and busy world. And he continues to weave his web dream.
A personal webpage also establishes or re-establishes friendships and acquaintanaces long forgotten, displaced, ignored or missed. Vocations call, professions point to different directions for all of us, personal missions bring us to unexpected places, intentionally or un, proper or im, correctly or in. The webpage can link people in a most unusual or unforseen manner and timing.
In the course of all of these, the ultimate test becomes the people, many or few, who will drop by the pages to see and read what the netauthour has put up as a webmonument of his spider existence. Even so. While the webpage's guestbook or counter tells the author how many actually got interested to peek in, out of curiosity or simply to oblige, the number becomes a concern so inconsequential that the author may actually fail to keep track of, because the PURPOSE has already been served.
Until one decides to follow suit and design his own personal webpage, THAT purpose may remain unfathomable.
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Glenda M. Cabrera, M.D. One of my anesthesiologists. She has a very strong "web presence." Enigardo B. Legislador, M.D. A general surgeon and a corporate president. He is an afternoon "web insect", for health reasons. Andrea Joanne A. Torre, M.D. She is the mother of two lovely girls she is very proud of, and the wife of a general surgeon. Sensitive and tough woman, she is. Edgar L. Javison A budget management expert, a pyschologist, and an educator. He has a lovely daughter who is his life, exemplified. Joemarie P.V. Hao-Ong My recalcitrant brother in the US of A who was an engineer, a lawyer, and now a nurse. Catherine Fidelis Vivian Valero Hao-de Guzman My sister in the USA but what a name! She works as a nurse in California, and has a son Brent, around whom her whole life practically revolves. Edgar V. Hao My brother in Cebu City who is a mining engineer and a businessman. He has a large and wonderful family, as only a "large" man like him deserves. Hector L. Torre, M.D. A general surgeon, a reluctant chatter. The husband of Bingo, and a good golfer. One of the sons of the late great Dr. Pablo O. Torre, Sr. Alberto Gabriel CarbonillaA topnotch acoountant, board topnotcher, great surfer and infrequent e-mailer. Jose Edmundo Y. Gayoles, M.D. and Larry C. Fregil, M.D. President and Vice-President, respectively, of the Lonely Hearts Club, Bacolod City. Great friends, and potential web recruits. Ernesto P. Namin, M.D. The Great Cardiologist. Habla Espaņol muy bien. Simple, humble, academician par excellence. Loves e-mails, but a homepage? Naah. The anesthesiologist and the surgeon in a light moment. My nephews, all, but where is my son??? That's my younger brother in the USA with his mom, who is my aunt. Can you figure that out? That's my younger brother, again, this time with his family. I also wish I have my own.