On this webpage I will explain the basic premise of the game, general strategies, level codes, weapons, items, enemies, and how to use the link-up feature.
Assault Rigs is both challenging and thrilling at the same time. The use of the Dolby Surround Sound is a treat to hear, especially after you destroy another rig and can heard the pieces landing all around you. It is hard to distinguish between the Dolby Surround Sound option and the regular stereo sound option though.
The genera that Assault Rigs falls into is more first person shooter, rather than simulation. Because the game is set in a virtual environment, the rigs don't behave the same way that a real tank would. Keep this in mind while playing the game for the first time. You can strafe sideways in your rig, rather than turning and going forward or backward in the desired direction. Also, your rig does not take damage as a regular tank would. Namely when you fall from a high platform you will bounce rather than take damage or be destroyed.
With this information you can start to see how the play mechanics of the game are not just simulating standard tanks, but rather try to pull you into the virtual environment where the laws of physics act differently, sometimes to your advantage.
To begin with, you should read and follow the instructions that came with your Playstation and Assault Rigs game to make sure that everything is set-up properly. It is also a good idea to check the set-up section of this webpage to make sure you are using the highest quality video and audio that you can get. All of your video game systems should be taken into account when being connected to your audio video system.
The three main options are one player, two player, and options. Two player is only available when two Playstations are linked together with a link cable. Use the option menu to change things such as music volume, music test, sound effects (FX) style, sound effects volume, load and save your game, see the hall of fame to view your records, and choose the difficulty.
Choosing the one player option will give you two more choices. Either choose to start at Level 1 or input a password to start at a later level. You can also start at a level that you have already beaten by going to the hall of fame in the options menu. If you select password you will be taken to a password entry screen. Press UP on the control pad to input a password. Input the password by pressing the correct buttons on the controller that correspond with the code for the level you wish to go to.
After you have chosen how to start the game, you will be taken to the rig selection screen. There are three types of rigs to choose from; Heavy, Middle, and Light.
After you have chosen a rig you will be ready to start the game. From the menu below choose Levels to get a quick run down on the various levels and to see walkthroughs of each level. Choose Enemies, Weapons, or Items to learn more about the various things you will encounter in the game. Choose Tips, Tricks, and Codes to learn about some of the secrets, cheat codes, Gameshark codes, level codes, and advanced strategies for the game.