Courses index

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Canadian Studies : 106
106-200A : Introduction to the Study of Canada

English : 110
110-228A : Canadian Literature I
110-275D : Introduction to Cultural Studies
110-279A : Introduction to Film as Art
110-280B : Introduction to Film as Mass Medium

French Language and Literature : 125
125-372B : Roman québécois I

Hispanic Studies : 144
110-210D : Spanish Language, Elementary
110-220D : Spanish Language, Intermediate

Music : 210
210-211B : The Art of Listening

Physics : 198
198-204A : Planets, Stars & Galaxies

106-200A : Introduction to the Study of Canada

Rating : 4/10

Teacher(1998) : Prof. A. McKinnon

List of Teacher Assistants(1998) : Unavailable


Note : Unfortunately I only put constructive comments. The person who sent this entry obviously didn't like this class but I wish he/she could send me the reasons why he/she disliked it. I respect freedom of speech but I do ask for comments that give good reasons for not following the course. Thank you for your comprehension.

110-228A : Canadian Literature I

Rating : 7.5/10

Teacher(1997) : Bryan Trehearne.

List of Teacher Assistants(1997) : Colin Hill and Dean ?.


"Good Canadian poetry is on the menu sprinkled with a couple of novels. With three books to read during the semester and numerous poems and novel excerpts, the workload is medium. Very interesting because of the cultural, historical, geographical and sociological aspects of the class. There were conferences but no Friday classes. A tough class but a very well taught one!"

110-275D : Introduction to Cultural Studies

Rating : 7/10

Teacher(1997-98) : Berkeley Kaite.

List of Teacher Assistants(1997-98) : Alexander MacLeod and Richard Aberle.


"This, of course, is a required course for the Cultural Studies program. In 1998-99 this course is divided in two : 110-275A and 110-276B. On the menu is an overview of different aspects that come into the construction of cultures. Many topics are discussed such as language, fashion, television, publicity, suburbia, and so on. The first part of the course is a review of major Cultural Studies theories. The second part is a mix of concrete views of specific subjects (see short list of topics above). The toughest part, in my opinion, is the linguistic theories. A good mark will require hard work but at the same time it will be fun. What I mean by fun is that the specific subjects are very interesting since it touches our everyday life. Difficult yet interesting class."

110-279A : Introduction to Film as Art

Rating : 9/10

Teacher(1997) : Trevor Ponech.

List of Teacher Assistants(1997) : Richard Heckerl.


"An easy mark class. Very interesting for all movie buffs who wonder what makes a film. In 1997, there was a midterm (40%) and a final exam (60%). Both were multiple choice exept for 2 short answer questions in the midterm. There were no conferences (due to the lack of TAs) AND no Friday classes."

110-280B : Introduction to Film as Mass Medium

Rating : 9/10

Teacher(1997) : Trevor Ponech.

List of Teacher Assistants(1998) : Tamara Bates, Martin Behr, Richard Heckerl, Brad Jenkins and Kim Larsen.


"Another easy mark class. Unlike 110-279A, this course has a different subject every year. In 1998, the whole course revolved around Alfred Hitchcock's work. A very interesting class for all movie buffs! Movie theory and Hitchcock trivia made a very interesting mix. There were conferences so NO Friday classes!"

125-372B : Roman québécois I

Appréciation : 8/10

Professeurs(1998) : François Ricard et Marcel Oscamp.

Liste des assistants-professeurs : Aucun.


"Un cours très intéressant pour tous les adeptes de la literature. La charge du travail semble lourd mais il en n'est rien. Il y a six romans à lire au cours de la session, deux comptes rendus, deux tests en classe et un travail de session. Les notes de classe sont permises durant les deux examens et les deux comptes rendus sont courtes (environ 4-6 pages). Une bonne note est facilement obtenue avec une bonne prise de notes. Il n'y a pas de conférences donc il y a des cours le vendredi. Le cours couvre la période du début de la colonisation aux années 1940. Un cours très intéressant qui touche à plusieurs sujets différents tels que l'histoire, la psychologie, et l'anthropologie."

110-210D : Spanish Language, Elementary

Rating : 9/10

Teachers(1997) : Julia Blanco and Diana Pelenur.

List of Teacher Assistants(1997) : None.


"A fairly easy class if you practice. Besides the usual three hours per week of lectures, you will have 1 hour of "cuarta hora" which oral practice and your lab exercises to practice listening skills. Calculate more or less 5 hours a week. Exams and compositions are quite frequent but are quite easy. Getting a good mark won't be a problem if you do the exercises and practice."

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110-220D : Spanish Language, Intermediate

Rating : 9/10

Teacher(1998) : N/A.

List of Teacher Assistants(1998) : None.


"This class has a faster pace than the beginner's level. It's basically subjects we encountered in 144-210 with added difficulties. No cuarta hora this time. The class has a faster pace and asks for more readings."

210-211B : The Art of Listening

Rating : 9.5/10

Teacher(1998) : Michael Free

List of Teacher Assistants(1998) : Heather Wiebe


"A fantastic journey into the history of Classical music. No previous musical knowledge is required but some will help. This is a great class for all music lovers. I've learned alot in this class and have come to better appreciate Classical composers and their music. The class covers a bit of the Baroque era and ends with Modernism. An easy mark if you do the work. There are four tests (including the final). Each test has multiple choice, one or two short answer and five music excerpts questions. You will have to attend a music concert of your choice (there are free concerts at McGill) and write a short report. There were no conferences (so there are Friday classes). Worth it!"

198-204A : Planets, Stars & Galaxies

Rating : 7.5/10

Teacher(1997) : J.E. Crawford

List of Teacher Assistants : None


"This is a good science class for arts students. Although some math and physics skills are required, calculations are simple and easy. There is one final exam worth 100%, but don't worry it's multiple choice. Prof. Crawford gives out a study guide with q & a. Most of those questions will find their way into the final exam. There were no conferences so there were Friday classes. If you have a good memory and can easily learn all theories by heart, you will get a good grade."

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