CyberInu's Virtual Zoo Grrrrrr....

Inu's Zoo

Welcome the Inu's Wild World - where crazy animals dwell :P Well, I have to have a page for Animal Links ya know! So the following are some places I like as well as a few I think might be actually useful:

My Pets

Shiba Inu HomePage - my dog of choice
ChinNet - chinchillas are the cutest rats ever!

At Home

Pet Central - lots of info and links on all kinds of animals
Some more Pet info from Waltham's
Nutrition info from the IAMS Food For Thought bulletins
Cat Fanciers Online - feline fun and info
Ferret Central - for a great FAQ and other ferret info.
HedgeRow - lots of info on a prickly pet :)
The Basking Spot - a great place to start learning about reptiles
Those Majestic Macaws - FAQS, conservation, pics, and more

On the Farm

Dairy Farmers of Ontario - cows, milk, etc...
Beef Homepage - more cows, etc... (can you believe they have a page for this? :P)
SwineOnline - fun, info about pigs
The Horse Interactive - Horse health and such
Equine Veterinary Network - more horse info

In the Wild - Links to lots of Zoo and Wildlife Pages
Animal Diversity Web - lot of animal info from U of Michigan
The Polar Bear Fan Club - my class mascot(a cool animal :P)
Bat Conservation - IMHO Bats are the cutest type of wildlife!
the Toronto Virtual Zoo - my local zoo
Great pics from Chester Zoo in the UK

At the Vet's Office

NetVet - a great veterinary site (links and info)
CONSULTANT - a helpful diagnostic database
the Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association Homepage
the American Animal Hospital Association Homepage
CMVC - a Christian Perspective (missions)

the Vet's Office - Alternative Sites

The Alternative, Complementary, and Holistic Veterinary Medicine
The Veterinary Acupunture Page (info, links to other holistic med sites)
A general page of info on Traditional Chinese Medicine

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